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Irvine, CA
March 3
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Founder of World Art foundation Founder of the Art & Fashion Group for the beauty industry Founder and CEO Umbrella Publishing LLC co/founder of World Art Publishers co/founder the Agency FAMA
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At a time when the world's artists find themselves isolated from each other, in a profession where artists do not always experience ethical treatment, in a field where dedicated resources devoted to the common good of artists are not always readily available, and in a world without artistic borders ever shrinking with the speed of technology, emerges the World Art Foundation as a beacon of global artistic encouragement, providing a voice, a forum, an opportunity for collegial collaboration. WAF's lofty goal is to be nothing less than the worldwide standard bearer and champion of the artist's cause in the twenty-first century.
WAF subscribes to the proposition that wishes and dreams can become reality. The good men and women of the World Art foundation, including those who are not yet household names, as well as those who already are, gather together, united in the idealism of fine artistic achievements and higher professional standards.
WAF salutes you. You are the original vanguard of supporting members.
Future members will draw upon the inspiration your pioneering spirit has lent to this important endeavor. You are visionaries and role models to future legions of members destined to join WAF.
YES! We are the proud men and women of WAF who will take destiny into our own hands and make a better future for ourselves and those who come after us.
Jojo Marengo
The world art foundation is an organization of professional artists that deals with the characteristics of art, its nucleus being the strength of all its combined elements and principles.
We as professional artists and members of WAF, congregate under one banner to form a unified art industry.
Free from the restrictions of geographical barriers, the men and women of WAF unite with the commonalities of the universal language of art. We are people from every city, every country joined together for the betterment of our craft, networking and sharing our knowledge to sharpen our artistic skills and expand our scope of opportunities.
A borderless nation of artists like no other nation; a global nation
dedicated to transforming the profession, the industry and the world into a
better place.
The World Art Foundation strongly believes that to lead the art world you
must serve it well. It must take on the responsibility of its education, the
betterment and the well being of the artist, and most importantly, it must
advocate that the destiny of the profession must be given back to the
professional artist where it really belongs.
WAF has assembled the world’s finest professionals and respected artists.
Together we challenge any system designed to separate this association.
We reject anyone who seeks to divide us. We unite under the standard of affirmative action to build a new and better profession. Together with our technical, educational and organizational resources, we are creating a new profession that works like a business.
Together we think long term, with clear, measurable goals. We seek to
restore dignity and confidence of the profession of artists.
The men and women of the WAF are assertive in their leadership position and
are equipped with the inquisitiveness, the desire and the knowledge to make
things happen for the better. The energy of their efforts creates a powerful
movement, with the distinct possibility of transforming the profession, the
industry and the world into a better place.
The men and women of the World art foundation are its most important and vital commodity. Therefore WAF’s first principal of action is to continuously
seek and select committed professional s with superior attitudes who prescribe to a higher set of standards and ethics. We seek individuals who are eager to elevate the profession’s prestige and image through their persona, professionalism and achievements.
This city to city, country to country search seeks the professionals that fit
the criteria of WAF.
WAF advocates the resurgence of the art profession and this can be
accomplished only if the world’s power artists unite in spirit and action to restore the image, esteem and the importance of the profession WAF accredits these professionals with a designation of Emerging Artists,
Master of the Arts and World Master of the Arts.
To create a public awareness of these designations, WAF implements a public relations effort that will distinguish the WAF and its members.
The masters through their committee work and education programs, together
with the public relations efforts and the support of WAF headquarters, will reclaim the destiny of the art profession in the 21st century
YES! We are the men and women of WAF
WAF is building bridges with those among the curators of museums, cultural centers and galleries who are genuinely concerned with the betterment of the artists.
WAF offers these curators a closely organized, deeply committed and highly motivated group of artists that consist of the most prominent names in the national and international art scene.
WAF seeks to share participation in the direction, rules and decision making of the auction part of the industry. We need to be a constant reminder that their power exists because artists are the sources of their commodity.
January 2009 WAF is on MySpace and Facebook. 2,000 members join within one month.
February 1st 2009 WAF launches their website to the public. All but 4 top MySpace friends join as official members of WAF. They are our first members.
February 15th 2009, WAF announces the World Art Expo 09 to take place in California.
April 10th 2009 WAF opens the WAF Gallery in the Brea Plaza shopping Plaza. The 5,100 space is donated by the developer until December 2009 at which time the structure will be demolished.
April 2009, WAF holds a series of dinner events at the banquet room of La Vie en Rose restaurant. WAF grows to 8,700 members.
June 2009, By June 1st over 200 artists from 50 countries participate. Their artworks arrive at the WAF Brea Gallery to be exhibited at the World Art Expo 2009. WAF grows to 11,000 members.
In June 7-14 World Art Expo 09 takes place exhibits fill the Fullerton Marriott Hotel’s meeting spaces and ballrooms, the Miranda Gallery in Laguna Beach and the WAF Gallery in Brea. The Fullerton Museum features WAF educational sessions with guest art experts. WAF grows to 15,000 members.
July WAF creates 98 sites on Facebook. 20,000 members join. August WAF creates their private network on Ning with 90 sites.
September WAF announces the formation of the ALL AMERICA TOUR. The purpose of the tour is to introduce 30 WAF accomplished artists to upscale galleries in the top 10 US art cities.
WAF Launches the ALL America tour Book. Tour participating artists are also featured in Laguna’s Best, Orange County’s Best and Santa Fe’s Best magazines
November 28, 2009 the ALL AMERICA TOUR takes place. The kick-off takes starts at the Chalk Farm Gallery in Santa Fe New Mexico.
December 11 the second leg of the ALL AMERICA TOUR takes place at the Miranda Gallery in Laguna Beach California. December31, 2009 WAF enjoys 57,000 members on Facebook, MySpace and Ning.