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Congrats to Superstars John Bizley and Kos!

Today is an historic day for Creators: The induction of John Bizley and Kos into the Ning Superstar Hall of Fame! Never before have we held a double crowning here on Creators -- and no, I don't mean two hair whorls or the Pschent of Ancient Egypt -- but this time around, we just couldn't resist. John and Kos both exhibit the positive helpful attitude and humility we appreciate so deeply, and they are tireless problem-solvers within the community.

If you're not familiar with it, this is our way of saying thank you to the wonderful people who continue to make this community a vibrant one. Each Superstar gets the equivalent of a Ning Pro subscription for 3 months. It's a small way we can say thanks for the large amount of advice and time these folks have given to this community. 

John dove head first into Ning 3.0, and is taking the redesigned platform as an opportunity to push the limitations of the new platform and share his insights on everything from unique design concepts like leveraging multiple feature instances to create a Help Center for community members to adapting the blog feature to set up an Advertisers List Page to creating an inline Members list and centering photos. Over the past few months, he has become quite accomplished with CSS and, like a true Superstar, he is exceedingly generous with his codes, hacks and mods. (Read our Q&A with John)

Meanwhile, Kos too has been shining bright. Hard not to notice the way she patiently keeps discussions on target and responds to Creators old and new with all the right information that many of us lost (or never had) the patience to locate. She frequently takes on the role of traffic director and information gatherer, pointing folks to the right discussions and checking in to make sure all those burning questions are answered. It's not uncommon to see the Activity Feed flooded with Kos' sage advice ranging from how to change a network header to how to reduce incidents of spam. (Read our Q&A with Kos)

Both John and Kos have been a great reminder of what is important and should be celebrated in this community -- helping each other on the quest to cultivate thriving communities. Their passion and uncompromising positivity is to be commended, as is their kindness and generosity of spirit.

Huzzah!! Let's all raise a glass to John Bizley and Kos, our newest Superstars. Feel free to paste in something ridiculous and fun, a memory of one of your favorite interactions with these two wonderful people, or a simple note of thanks. 

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  • Well Done!!!  To both of you, I am new hear and a rank amatuer at designing a website.  I heard from both of you on my very first question. Thanks!

  • Well done and well deserved!
  • That's awesome!!! Congratulations you guys!!! :D

  • NC for Hire

    congrats John and Kos.. you deserve it!  Well Done!

  • Congrats to you both ~ I often see your names when searching for helpful info!  

  • Thank you all for your kind words and to those of you placed me in nomination.  I find it very humbling  because I clearly am not a "coder" or web designer and merely try to lend a hand so that others, who may not frequent Creators on a regular basis, feel the same sense of sincere community support which has been given to me in the matter how small the question may seem to be.   After all, that's what they come here for; solutions. 

  • CONGRATS to the both of you!

  • NC for Hire

    Congratulations Kos and John, well deserved!

    I think you're both awesome and definitely Superstars on Creators.

  • Kudos! 

  • Congratulations!! Thanks for all you guys do!

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