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Groups 3.0 Demo: Recording Now Available

Groups 3.0 - Feature Demo from Ning on Vimeo.

We've completely redesigned Groups for Ning 3.0 and are eager to invite you in for a look. Please join us on Thursday, September 19th for a live demo + Q&A.

Thursday, September 19 at 10am PDT

Key topics covered about the new Groups feature for Ning 3.0:

  • Groups are like Mini-networks: Each group has almost all of the features of a full Ning Network — Blogs, Forums, Photos, custom Pages and Group Broadcast Messages.
  • Customization:  How to choose a page layout, add a Group cover photo, customize menu items, specify what Group members are called, and modify the Group URL.
  • Move Content: How to move blogs, discussions and photos from one Group to another or to the main Forum, Blog or Photos feature.
  • Automation: How to put members into Groups automatically based on how they answer profile questions when they join.
  • Granular Control: How to Specify who can create Groups or view listings of Groups. Set the feature set, layout and design for all Groups or give Group Administrators the ability to customize. Over-ride default settings for a specific Group at any time.

We'll also show you:

  •  How to activate the Groups Hub on your network
  •  New and unusual use cases for Groups 3.0
  •  How to use Groups to run your own Ads.
  •  How to send messages to members of a specific group.

About the Presenter:

Ioana H. is a Community Advocate at Ning and is a part of the email support team.

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  • Thank you so much this walk through. It is really useful and really fantastic to see all these new features in groups. I will definitely be using them all when I migrate my ning 2.0 network.

    All the activity on my ning happens pretty much exclusively in the group spaces and these new features will make my life so much easier.(eg automated mechanisms for adding members to groups). Thank you for all your work.

    Looking forward to seeing the chat feature (and others) added down the track as well.

  • Like I said before, I never cared for groups. Not just at Ning but anywhere. Ning 3.0 groups have made a believer out of me, this is fantastic!

    Thank you Team Ning for all of your hard work on this feature, and thank you Allison and Ioana for the presentation!

    • Great to hear that you're excited about Groups. I have a feeling this redesign will make the feature more appealing and popular all around. Definitely a value add!

      I'll pass your sentiment along to the team. :D

  • Were there any other demos for Ning 3.0? I seem to have a lot of features missing from my sandbox videos, can't see members.   Where is everything? Or are you all still working?


    • Hi Kisha.  There are still numerous features yet to come, including chat, a video section, events, messaging, language editor, search and much, much more.

      Feel free to checkout the 3.0 Roadmap as well as the Announcements Page and numerous feature requests which we Creators have asked for.

      The 3.0 Help Center may contain some videos depending on what you're searching for and of course, feel free to begin a discussion of your own with a running list of questions.  We're happy to lend a hand :)

  • Could not download the session, so sorry.  I'll just keep an eye out for what your doing.

  • Will look forward to seeing this demo on groups.  This is very important to us.  Thanks, so much.

    • Thanks Margie, I'm glad you'll be able to join us!

  • Can we get more detail on how to create "Standalone Page– Untabed /Unlinked Pages" on Ning 3 group as like in ning2 group...

    • This reply was deleted.
      • Hi, I tried but could not succeed.

        Can I get tips how to use CSS in group.Could you please send the same css file and how and ver can I upload the css- Thanks

This reply was deleted.

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