Hello creators here a great way to greet new arriving members..first of all this tip is not mine,i give full credit to jen from jensocial.com..so first you need to grab her code "add a simple text box to profile pages"...https://creators.ning.com/forum/topics/add-simple-text-box-to-profile?id=4244211:Topic:279331&page=2
now this is just some more ideas that you can do with this super awesome tip.
i have taken the code and added html code for images of my moderators and of i of course,hyperlinked the photos and placed a nice statement letting the new member know who we are and click on our photo to add us as a friend.
Now also you can embed the music player in the code,so if you are a pod caster ,they can listen to music or what ever you streaming to the player.
the music player has a share on it,click that take the embedding code and add it to jens code and whoola now you have a music player on every members page.
heres what my code look like to help you out a bit please change all urls and what evrs to fit your network.once again this is not my tip,im just adding on a few more ideas
<script type="text/javascript">x$(document).ready(function() {x$(".xg_widget_profiles_profile_show .xg_2col h1").after('<div style="font-size:12px; background-color:#FFFFFF; color:#000000; margin-top:15px; margin-bottom:15px; border:1px #333333 solid; padding:15px;" class="xg_module"<a target="_self" href="http://www.hitthisnow.com/profile/solo"><img src="https://api.ning.com/files/BAKCRJnlbAm2ghxCevsr9*2o1AqFlOMmF05IrmeXaZURuLZGXPrwHvWDrVkraupveonM5iU4gCT8t-MF1y14DEamEtlVuyQT/Picture007.jpg" width="130"><a target="_self" href="http://www.hitthisnow.com/profile/CHRISTINAMARIEG?xg_source=profiles_featuredList"><img src="https://api.ning.com/files/LE1e0zjfXEjLSMEknNJIwPothEhPxyR1XNAMWILw62x59jZOaXhFO9zshgo6y52*0C7yOU5k1WdGqD-G3YO8EGumZ6hppTkK/0111111345.jpeg" width="130"><a target="_self" href="http://www.hitthisnow.com/profile/TiffanyCarmona"><img src="https://api.ning.com/files/iXZCZ5WUBWHWYLprJN8SIQSulsovpdO0SHrBSOtg5-Yhu0hPt*9xga5qZqfQpUX6sAHuhjeqYUcK-lguPpo58BKCwtakRXkA/1.2.jpg" width="130">HELLO WELCOME TO THE NETWORK IM SOLO THE CREATOR OF THIS NETWORK,And these Beautiful ladies are the Hit This Now Admids,click on their photo and add them as your friend,also upload a profile photo 90% more dates when doing so <br /><small><a href="http://www.hitthisnow.com/">Find more music like this on <em>Hit This Now Social network</em></a></small><br /></a></div>');});
have anymore great idea for this tip please share thanks for stopping by
I love the idea - and just added the box per jensocial - so thank you for this.
I'm a little confused. (I'm a newbie so bare with me...)
You say this is a way to "greet new members" - but this box - the way jensocial wrote it - appears on EVERYONE's profile.
Is there a way to put these on NEW members profiles only?
And then, I'm assuming this is a manual process - like you'd have to go in and get rid of it somehow after a period of time. correct?
thanks solo - that answers one part of my question.
The other part is trying to figure out how you're doing this for just NEW MEMBERS - rather than Everyone's?
You wouldn't invite a friend to your party, then not introduce them to at least some of the other guests, would you?