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NC for Hire

So i've been playing around with the Twitter Bootstrap framework, building new responsive pages for home, about network and otherwise.  I just wanted to open a discussion regarding the possibilities of using Bootstrap in hope of discovering (or creating) new ways to further integrate them within the Ning system.  Before we go any further, I'll admit that I haven't quite got it perfect yet, thus my reasoning behind posting this discussion.  I am interested to hear back from any other NCs who might  have experimented with Bootstrap as I cannot find any discussions on the creators forum regarding bootstrap.

Extending Ning With Bootstrap

The possibilities for extending Ning with bootstrap seem endless, using the file manager a bit of hard work and imagination.  Here are a couple of new clean pages that I made for my network using Twitter Bootstrap.
View New Home PageExample:

View New About PageExample:

Twitter bootstrap also built using LESS for CSS, so I am optimistic about being able to (eventually) fully integrate bootstrap into my entire network, thus allowing me to have features to pull in member profile data, extend the capabilities of my network.


You can customize your bootstrap download to match the color scheme of your network here.

If you are interested in practicing with the same intentions, I will give you a tip.  Download the bootstrap folder and place it into your Public Dropbox folderto make changes as you see fit and when you have it the way you like it, then upload it to your network to save a lot of headaches.

If you are interested in discussing my experiments with twitter bootstrap or are in need of some help with your own network, connect with me from my profile on creators and don't be shy.

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  • Just not sure what it is and how to utilize it....

    • NC for Hire

      if you have any questions, let me know.

    • NC for Hire

      perhaps I should explain a bit

      Twitter Bootstrap is a toolkit created by Twitter for kickstarting CSS when developing websites.

      It is built with Less and consists of base CSS + HTML for typography, forms, buttons, tables, grids, navigation, and some more.

      The grid provided is 940px wide 16-column and, for the layouts, there are solutions for both fixed + fluid ones.

      Twitter Bootstrap

      Twitter Bootstrap's HTML elements have a plain-yet-elegant style where form inputs get a nice box-shadow on focus or table rows being highlighted.

      The kit also includes other stuff like popovers, alerts, tabs and pagination which all use semantic XHTML.

      It is actually built with Preboot, an open-source pack of mixins and variables to be used with Less and, for anyone willing to use it with Less rather than the static CSS, a detailed how-to is provided.

  • I think this is a great idea! I look forward to seeing what you are doing.  We will be upgrading our main site using bootstrap so it would be great if we can use this with the Social Network.

  • nice post thanks for sharing..and explaining

    • Wow!  Yeah, what Solo said.

  • This reply was deleted.
  • I'm going to try to put myself to the test

This reply was deleted.

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