Ning is an American corporation that operates from Kyiv, Ukraine. I don't always agree with Ning management's decisions, but Ning's customer support team is second to none. They are utterly professional and will do absolutely anything for you that they can.
I'm not worried about my site, even if it goes down. It's just a site. I worry about the Ning team and hope that they and their loved ones are safe and stay safe.
Ning hosts our sites on AWS (Amazon Web Services) BTW, so you don't have to worry about long-term downtime. That's also why our sites are pretty fast and rarely go down.
I knew little about the people of Ukraine until Putin attacked them. They have earned our respect and admiration a hundred times over.
Keep the people of Ning, and Ukraine, in your heart and prayers.
Well said Steve, totally agree 🙏
thank you so much for your words you are a big hearted person, may god help them
I had no idea the staff of NING was in Ukraine. This is heartbreaking.