Quick question-I don't run any ads on my site...but I'm consisting adsense. Dp you actually make money this way? I don't want to run those ugly ads just to make $5 a month.Thanks!
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Hi JP,
In my experience, impressions alone are not a concern. Google knows that site owners will visit and be active on their own sites. The only real issue would be with clicks coming from your account or IP address.
You will be ok with one or two accidental clicks. Google calculates click base on where the clicks coming from and how the visitor who clicks on ads arrived on your site.
If you click on your ads, then go to your in-law and click, then your local library and click, you will get banned.
Any computer you use and log into your Google account that computer get registered into Google adsense, so any clicks from that computer on any ads on your site will be an invalid click and could also get you banned.
If it doest registered as an invalid click, you will probably get around 0.05 per 20 clicks.