I've shared a lot of time savers in the past and I see quite a few other NCs using them but never say anything. If you use this let me know. It can really enhance your Advanced Search feature.
You may remember this
Time Saver Update: Your RSS Feeds for Location Tags on Ning 3.0
Time Saver: Your RSS Feeds for Location Tags on Ning
Let's go.
So every Ning community asks a location question. You even have a dropdown for selecting country. But what if you wanted to convert that dropdown into a series of buttons that allow both you and your members quickly find the number of members in a particular country. That is where this comes in.
I've made this really simple for you to duplicate for your community. Simply visit the following pen and find and replace all instances of https://yourcommunity.ning.com/members with your own URLS you can then install it into any page by pasting the CSS into the Below Header HTML and then pasting the HTML into any HTML module...
See the Pen link buttons with show hide Ning members by JFarrow (@JFarrow) on CodePen.
If you need help with this let me know. Also reach out to me on my Ning Help App if you'd like help with your Ning community.
I have a dropdown version as well if anyone is interested