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I have two features on my network that encourage content creation and make it easy for myself -- and members -- to get started.


The first is the "+" tab. This tab is displayed only for logged-in members, and the sub-tab "Add a Page" is displayed only for me. I cannot begin to tell you how much I love having this here.

Be sure to link your sub tabs appropriately!

The second is the "Get Involved!" list which also appears on every page of our network. Again, this list is not displayed for non-logged in members. Our members love using the "Welcome a New Member" link.

The community aspects are hidden from non-logged in members for a multitude of reasons, namely because our site is teen-oriented and we want to present ourselves professionally to acting-affiliated folks. Whether your website mandates such precautions or not, the + tab and "Get Involved!" links are an incredible way to get members active on your website.

(If anyone wants to know more about making your home page stranger-friendly, let me know!)

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  • Great tips!!  Would love to know more about making the home page stranger-friendly :)

  • good tips Kat.    Is your home page private? 

    • It's not private! I've simply blocked access to a lot of our social features. (For example, non-logged in members can't see our Latest Activity or any of our blogs/discussions/etc.) Again, I do this because it's a site for teens and I want to keep everyone safe. It's not foolproof, but it helps!

      • I see, very good. How did you hide the text box (get Involved) and other home page modules to non-logged in members? 

        • Someone here on Creators posted an excellent bit of code for that purpose. His example places text where the removed content should be, but I went ahead and replaced it with an image.

          My tech-savvy boyfriend whipped up something to hide the text in the "Get Involved" section.

          <script type="text/javascript">
          if (ning.CurrentProfile == null) {
          x$("div.xg_module_activity").html("<div align='center'><img style='width:150px;height:250px;' src=''></div>");
          /* elements with class="riunli" are completely removed if the user is not logged-in: */
          /* elements with class="pp_riunli" have their grandparent elements removed (e.g., use this for immediate children of custom xg_modules */

          In this case, I used "pp_riunli" as the class name ("remove if user not logged in"), but you can use whatever suits your fancy. You'll want to define the class in the text box's HTML like so:


          Definitely worth doing if you want member content/options to be hidden from the public eye.

          • Thank you for the tip! I think that I might have seen that creators tip previously, but had long since forgotten it. I might have a need for it on one of my networks. 

  • This reply was deleted.
    • Looks good!

      • This reply was deleted.
        • No special codes needed! For the first one, simply create a new tab and title it "+", then create sub tabs like the ones pictured. You can get the appropriate "add" link by going to a page (say, Groups) and copying the "Add a new Group" link.  

          For example, you would use this link for your "Add a Video" sub tab: 



          The second one is just a basic list with hyperlinked items! You can do this easily by adding a new text box and using the visual editor to create a list with bullet-points.

          Example (two-item list, but you would probably want more items than that):

          <ul><li><a href="LINK1">Welcome a New Member</a></li>

          <li><a href="LINK2">Check out a Discussion</a></li></ul> 

  • Wow - great idea, I love it! Thanks for sharing, particularly the 'get involved' part.

    Some questions though - what page are you sending them to when they click on 'welcome a new member'? And what is your 'user review program', and can I see the page? In fact I would love to see what pages you are sending all those links too :) 

    Thanks so much!

    Rich Page
    Founder of

    • 1. I'm sending them to the Members page. Originally, I added the link just to bulk up the list (the "Members" link is present elsewhere on the site as well), but it turns out that a lot of people actually use it. (I think the key is to title the general member page "Welcome a New Member" if you're hoping your current members will do so!)

      2. Thanks for reminding me about that page - I actually need to reboot it! The User Review program basically lays out some simple guidelines and rewards for contributing reviews of fellow site member's acting. 15 critiques = silver star (same badge that $10 donors receive), 30 = brown star, etc.

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