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NC for Hire


The Problem:

You have run a network for several years. You have a large network. When you review your last logged in dates for your large network you notice that you have quite a few members who haven't logged in for quite a while. You would like to "clean" up your network and remove these inactive memembers. The bad news is that as far as you know the only way this can be done is one member at a time. Given the size of your network this is not practical. If only there was a way to outsource this type of work. 

Additionally, maybe just because someone hasn't signed in for a while is not the only criteria to consider. Perhaps some of these "inactive" members have content you'd like to remain on the network. You want to be able to distinguish members who have contributed valuable content to your network from those who haven't when determining who should be removed. 

The Solution:

I have faced this dilemna myself and crafted a solution to pruning your network of inactive members in an automated way that takes into account those who have created content on your network from those who haven't. I did this for myself and found that it works reliably. I posted this in case someone else here maybe be dealing with this same issue.

I am very skilled with VBA. Using an export of the member directory I can use Excel VBA to review each member page and look for the number of blog posts, forums, videos, etc on the left side of the profile. The script can even determine who uploaded a photo and who didn't. It it also checks for comments on the profile page. If there is no content, Avatar or Comments it will remove the profile. 

Contact me if you are interested or leave a comment. 



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  • Nice

  • Are you still offering this service?

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NC for Hire
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Markus Miner replied to ⚡JFarrow⌁'s discussion
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"Man I'd love the help I was about just start a new network"
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⚡JFarrow⌁ replied to ⚡JFarrow⌁'s discussion
Ning Creators Sound Off: Share Your Network
"I can fix that... ill send you my contact info. no problem"
Mar 18
⚡JFarrow⌁ replied to ⚡JFarrow⌁'s discussion
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"I can fix that... ill send you my contact info. no problem"
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