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NC for Hire

Hi NCs,

Probably some NCs are hunting for the code that makes their image thumbnails smaller and greater in number inline on the main page. Two column layout has just 2 thumbnails inline but the below code can show more than 2 thumbnails. But I suggest you to use 3 thumbnails inline. Suggested width size: 200px

Steps: Copy and paste the following code into DESIGN STUDIO> CUSTOM CSS BOX. If you want to show more thumbnails, just play with width size.

Here is the code:

.column.span11 .grid-frame .matrix > .row > .span {
width: 200px;

If you are looking for someone to re-design your ning site, or any kind of ning help, directly contact me via my email id

This tip is based on 2 column layout. Please let me know if it does not work on other layouts.


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  • Great Tip Bernhard, it's working perfectly. I'm sure many NC's will use this code. :-)

    • NC for Hire

      Thanks George...I really appreciate what you have done for other NCs.


      • You're welcome Bernard, you know we all appreciate what you have done for everyone as well :-)


  • All these days I used to wonder how to do this. Thanks for the tip. Keep them coming in!

    • NC for Hire

      You are welcome Khrishna Kumari. Glad it worked out for you.

  • This reply was deleted.
    • NC for Hire

      Well Alex, the above code will affect only the main page. Perhaps, you can use the following code instead of above code to accomplish on photo page.


      Here is the code

      .column.span10 .matrix > .row > .span {
      width: 300px;

      • This reply was deleted.
This reply was deleted.

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