This is the link you're looking for: BalaBolka
I am using this embed code:
<embed type="application/x-shockwave-flash" src="" width="400" height="52" allowScriptAccess="always" wmode="transparent" flashvars="audio_duration=DURATION&external_url=MP3_FILE_URL" />
Bonus tip:
The GMail Mp3 player is actually the Google video player that's playing the audio file. In fact, you can play any MP3 files from the embedded Google Video player without even having to login to GMail. Here's the secret URL:
To embed MP3 songs in your Blog or website, use the following Google Video Player wrapper code:
<embed type="application/x-shockwave-flash" src="" flashvars="audioUrl=MP3_FILE_URL" width="400" height="27" quality="best"></embed>
Remember to replace MP3_URL with the actual location of the MP3 file on the web and play it inside Google Video.
so what do you think?
if you like this consider taking a like at my facebook page:
Looks promising, but did not get it to work yet :-)
The whole line that point to the mp3 file is needed?
"" (Fake link)
or do I also have to enter '/name.mp3" after that
Or do I miss something?
These days I use Speakpage and it provides a great on the fly service, but it is limited to a single, female british voice...the one mentioned above is great for a lot of other voices