If you're like me, you like to educate your members on the ways of the modern world.
According to recent data from Net Applications, one-third of all Internet users in China still rely on Internet Explorer 6 to go online while in South Korea, IE 6 market-share is as has as ~25%. Overall, IE 6 is used by 12% users world-wide.
A World Without Internet Explorer 6
In a bid to encourage IE 6 users migrate to modern browsers, Microsoft has put up a new website -IE6Countdown.com – where you can watch the current usage of IE6 in different parts of the world.
The site also provides a line of code that you may add to your website template and if there’s site visitor using IE6, they’ll be shown a message to upgrade to the latest version of IE.
The BEST SOLUTION: Microsoft’s #ie6countdown campaign will suggest only Internet Explorer to your iE 6 but if you would like to give them more choice, use this browser detection code instead. Here, your site visitors will get to choose between all the modern browsers and not just IE. See below for how to do this:
How to Use It
- Download Browser Detection if you have access to your top level directory for your ning site(or skip this step if you wish to load it from DevSlide servers.)
- Use the form on THIS PAGE setup your options for the Browser Detection script.
- Copy generated code from the form and paste it in the Custom Code section of your ning site in the backend.
You will have several options for how you'd like for this message to appear once an outdated browser is detected....you can even customize your own message. This is what the "Professional Option" looks like:
let me know what you think!
choose the option for "I will load it from DevSlide Server"
then choose the options for what you want your browser detection message to say- (i used "professional option")
then copy the code under the part that says "Code for your Website (put it inside of your … tag of your pages)"
paste that into your custom code section and save...hope this helps..