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Hi folks!

 Wow, i have been totally immersed in Google+ for the past few days, hence my absence from here (and my own network). Google has hit a total home run (finally) with an effort in social networking. I'm going to do my best to make this post as sensible as I can, but there is so much to talk about. This G+ is already amazing, and will only get better.

 What is Google+?

Google + (plus) is, put simply, Google's answer to Facebook and Twitter. It is the best of BOTH worlds, combined with the power of awesome Google tools like +1, Google Docs, Google Calendars, Reader, YouTube, Google Search, and much more. All of the tools are already integrated, making using them and collaborating on them thru G+ seamless. G+ is making all of Google's own tools that have been around for a while much more relevant. Many of these tools go largely unnoticed by a large part of the internet, but it won't be for long. Let me tell you how some of this works, that can benefit your network.

 Circles are alot like Twitter, in that you can follow people, and people can follow you. When you come what i call "full circle" with an individual, meaning you and someone else have one another in a circle, you are doing the same as following each other on Twitter. So, when you do this with people in your niche (my network's niche is NASCAR), anything you post will show in their stream for the circle they added you into (hopefully, in my case, for their benefit, it's NASCAR.), as theirs will mine. So, when I link content from my NASCAR network, it will show on THEIR (hopefully) NASCAR stream. They can then visit your site, +1 the post, share it with all of their friends in THEIR (hopefully NASCAR) stream, so on and so forth. After you build up a nice sized following, you don't have to continue to follow others, but I recommend it in early stages to maximize your chance of getting followed or staying followed.

So, how do i find people on G+ who are interested in my niche?

Glad you asked! very easily! Just go to my Google Plus Search Engine and simply search for anything you want to find! This will pull up everything on G+ related to your search keyword(s), including who posted it. Simply go add people from that search to the circle you created for your niche, and voila! Do this while it is on the ground floor, too, because people are adding people left and right. it's already crazy. Once it is open to the public, the more followers you have, the more you will stand out in that niche, and my prediction is your followers in the niche will EXPLODE. I venture to guess G+ will shatter the record of the social network with the shortest time to 100 million members. Quote me on that, people, I think it will be THAT big.

Google+ search is powered by, you guessed it, Google Search!

Ya think they are crawling it with priority? you BET they are! This tells me it can only HELP your SEO on Google Search, meaning, the more you post links from your network, the better.

Can I make a G+ for my network?

Not yet, i don't think, but soon. it is still in beta. I read that accounts that were not individuals but business names were removed, and it will be added soon (like facebook fanpages). It is not yet clear in my circles if this is something they may charge for, but you don't really NEED it. Use CIRCLES, find people in your niche as described above. 

 Folks, there are many ways I haven't mentioned that can help, too, you can even point a custom URL at your page. I have just purchased both (which is already pointed at my G+ profile page) and (for my G+ fanpage, if it's free, or inexpensive) for less than $18 from Go Daddy, with a 30% off .com sale code I'd JUST gotten! Can this get any better? LOL! learn more on this youtube search for Google+ Project, and watch the videos with your network in mind. The hangouts are wicked cool, as are Sparks (I want to know how to get my content into sparks!), and there is much more.

 Those of you who already follow me on G+ that i have in my Creators+ circle, that got here from G+......neat, huh? That is a great example of EXACTLY what I'm getting at with this entire post!

 I hope everyone finds this useful and informative, and helps you expand your thoughts on how this can REALLY help your networks! Feel free to add me to your Creators Circle (or whichever you want, i think it'd be great if a bunch of us made a huge Creators circle-some of us are already full circle in one) you can find me at


Happy plussing!



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  • It's been great to see so many Creators joining:) I've noticed that almost every Creator I've added has add me (that could be because I've invited them though LOL)


    I will say that I've enjoyed YOUR posts the most! You're on the same level in my eyes right now as my brother-in-law, who knows everything about iPhones and even repairs and jailbreaks them... Except your specialty is Google+!

    • i've just done a LOT of reading up on it.....i LOVE it, blows Facebook and Twitter away in my opinion, and it's not even in full release! glad you are enjoying it, feel free to share all of those posts im posting, spread the tips around. the better people get in our circles, the more engagement, the better our circles will grow.
      • I'm trying to learn too, but with my new job coming up I'm not going to be able to get as advanced as you any time soon LOL! And I'll definitely share!
  • BTW I did add my business accounts on Google... Not really sure if they'll get removed or not. I sure hope not:( But to anyone interested in watching how to use Google+ for business/nonprofits/your networks... After you join Google+, add these accounts to your circles: +Storys Inc. +Story's Ink +Sharing The American Dream With Others +Northwest Classen Multi-Year Reunion and +The Human Touch. I'm still setting them up, so please be patient with me as I get them started:) You will see two similar accounts because I am re-branding my business, Story's Ink (which used to be Storys, Inc.)

    • How did you guys get on? It's still telling me to wait. (sighs) I'm about ready to quit trying and just stay with Facebook.
      • LOL you get an invite. A friend invited me, and I've probably invited about 30 Creators since I joined. Go to my Google+ profile and click the "Send an Email" button so I have your email addy:) I' stayed up all night adding people, but I'm about to get off here... I'm getting invite overload LOL!
  • I wouldn't get too attached to any brand accounts.

    Apparently, g+ is launching specific business tools for brands. It's just a matter of patience at this point.

    • yeah, exactly....leads me to believe there may be a cost involved, but at this point it seems to me creating a circle for your niche will be effective in itself.
  • An Israeli company has developed an application that allows users of the newly launched social networking site Google+ to also view their streams from sector leader Facebook.

    • yeah, i think i saw that in the Chrome App Store
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