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Well didn't take long for me to get stuck into playing with the new events feature so here is all the css I used. I am adding this so you can see the css names for you to use if you want to have ago at changing certain parts, or copy all my css if you want.

Here is a link to my site events so you can see how it looks:

The main thing I did was to add some more margins and padding here and there and adjust some of the spacing between the content, it just felt all a little cramped for me. Also changed the mobile view by moving the event image above the main content so the content was not all squished to the side, now it can fill the whole width of the phone screen.

The other major thing I did was to stop any images or videos coming through onto the main list page if the member added any of these into the content description of the event. This is tried first without blocking them and it looked pretty ugly with them showing up especially if they are quite large. They still show in the main event detail page of course though.

Well here is all my css I used.

/**** NEW EVENTS PAGE ***/

/*Remove entry content image*/
         .eventListPage a > img{ display:none!important }
        .column-narrow a > img{ display:none!important }
/*Remove entry content iframes*/
        .eventListPage iframe{ display:none!important }
       .column-narrow iframe{ display:none!important }

/* Adding the box shadows and slight change on hover, also lessened the margin between them*/
.eventListPage .entry, .section-eventBundle .entry {
    margin-bottom: 15px;
    box-shadow: 0px 5px 5px lightgray;
    padding: 6px;    
    border: solid 1px lightgray;
.eventListPage .entry:hover, .section-eventBundle .entry:hover{ box-shadow: 0px 8px 7px darkgray; }

/* Add some margin to the top of each entry row */
.eventListPage .entry > .row{ margin-top:10px }

/* Center the Date of event and the Day in the left column. Also add a little margin between them.*/
.eventListPage-startDate{ text-align: center; margin-bottom:6px }
.eventListPage-startDayOfWeek { text-align: center }

/*Event Title*/
.eventPage-detail .entry-title{ margin-bottom:20px; padding:4px }

/* Remove the 1em margin-bottom from the Description title and add smaller margin, also add a small border above */
.eventListPage .entry-content p:first-child{ margin-bottom:5px; border-top: solid 1px #d3d3d399; }

/* Increase the description font a little*/
.eventListPage .eventPage-detail.entry-content{ font-size:1.08em }

/*Move down the description a little*/
.eventListPage .entry-content{ margin-top:10px }
/* And add a little margin below*/
.eventListPage .entry-content{ margin-bottom:10px }

/*Add a little more space between the Title and who added the event*/
.eventDetailPage-mainSection .entry-title{ margin-bottom:12px }

/* Add Some Spacing In The Detail Page between the date, location,categories etc*/
.eventDetailPage .eventPage-details ul > li{ margin-bottom:12px}

/*Links In The Header Module ByLine For Inviting Members when creating and event and making them more button like*/
.inviteMembersPage .module-byline > a{ color:white; font-size:16px }
.inviteMembersPage .module-byline > a:hover{ color:antiquewhite; text-decoration:none }
/*Optional Make a button*/
.inviteMembersPage .module-byline{ margin-top:10px }
.inviteMembersPage .module-byline > a{ background-color:royalblue; padding:3px 6px; border-radius:4px }
.inviteMembersPage .module-byline > a:hover{ background-color:darkblue }

 /* Move the image above the content soit gives the text more space to fill the screen either side */
@media only screen and (max-width:771px){
.eventListPage .media-frame.eventPage-details > .media-img {float:none!important}

Here is an image showing the mobile view with the image moved to allow the content to flow accross the full width instead of being squished up


/* Change font size for the organised by, categories and tags*/
.eventPage-details ul:nth-child(1) > li:nth-child(n+5){ font-size:14px}
.section-eventBundle li:nth-child(n+2){ font-size:14px }

/*Limit the size of videos added in the detail page*/
.eventDetailPage iframe{max-width:480px; max-height:360px }

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  • Another few options added to this style list

    /* Change font size for the organised by, categories and tags*/
    .eventPage-details ul:nth-child(1) > li:nth-child(n+5){ font-size:14px}
    .section-eventBundle li:nth-child(n+2){ font-size:14px }

    /*Limit the size of videos added in the detail page*/
    .eventDetailPage iframe{max-width:480px; max-height:360px }

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