<p><img onmouseover="alert('no copyright!');" src="https://storage.ning.com/topology/rest/1.0/file/get/9633506277?profile=original" width="800" height="800" /></p>
<p><img onmouseover="alert('no copyright!');" src="ADD YOUR PHOTO" width="800" height="800" /></p>
Add the code in your HTML
Just curious as to why you would say "No Copyright" when trying to dissuade visitors from stealing your images. Why wouldn't you say "All Rights Reserved - Name of Community".
In other words, if I saw an image that I wanted and it told me "No Copyright" I would assume that it is free for the taking...
Like I said, just curious.
you are right, as you know it is possible to put the option to an entire site but it would be absurd, so we put in individual photos just change the name from the code
this should be used for site view-sources