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HELP!! I cannot seem to get Ning to Understand that I have been overcharged! I WAS NEVER SUPPOSED TO PAY MORE THAN $24.99- I was one of the first to migrate to 3.0 and was guaranteed that price...You have copies of all communications... this is easy to confirm check my billing history!! I do not understand why you do not understand!!! Very simpleRead the thread below... PLEASETAKE MY SITE COMPLETELY OFF LINE!! I do not intend to open it.. Thanks Suziesupport@ning.comAug 10, 2022, 4:19 PM##- Please type your reply above this line -## Your ticket has been updated. You can reply to this message to send us an update. The Ning Team (Ning Help Center8Susan NielsenJan 18, 2023, 11:29 AM (1 day ago)NING OVERCHARGED ME! I AM ASKING FOR THE OVERCHARGES TO BE REFUNDED! PLEASE READ THE ENTIRE MESSAGE!support@ning.comJan 18, 2023, 1:54 PM (23 hours ago)to me##- Please type your reply above this line -##Your ticket has been updated. You can reply to this message to send us an update. The Ning Team (Ning Help Center)Jan 18, 2023, 23:54 GMT+2Hi there,Thank you for reaching us.We apologize for any inconvenience.We would be grateful if you could tell us the recipient's email of that letter you mentioned, that helps.You could also export that letter - try to download it or export as .eml in your inbox and send it to us.Feel free to contact us if you have any questions.Best regards,John Suzie Nielsen (TCC Admin)Jan 18, 2023, 21:29 GMT+2NING OVERCHARGED ME! I AM ASKING FOR THE OVERCHARGES TO BE REFUNDED! PLEASE READ THE ENTIRE MESSAGE!Hello, Thanks for your reply...As per the written agreement with Ning, I was NEVER supposed to be charged more than the original cost of $25.00 per month- as I was the first website to be merged to the 3.0 platform yrs ago. Please look at your own records, and look for communications with several people at Ning...The ONLY refund I want is from the times you charged me full price for a site that is offline!!! Please see below...Anastasia_Ning_SupportHi Suzie!Let me answer all the questions one by one.So to confirm, I can migrate to a 3.0 for the same price of my 2.0 of $25.00 monthly?Yes, it is correct, you can migrate to 3.0 and keep the price of the Plus - Monthly plan - $24.95 (USD).I need to eventually dump about 600 members?Yes, because of the members limit - it is up to 1000 members. Do you think it's possible?Hello, Thanks for your reply...As per the written agreement with Ning, I was NEVER supposed to be charged more than the original cost of $25.00 per month- as I was the first website to be merged to the 3.0 platform yrs ago. Please look at your own records, and look for communications with several people at Ning...The ONLY refund I want is from the times you charged me full price for a site that is offline!!! Please see below...Anastasia_Ning_SupportHi Suzie!Let me answer all the questions one by one.So to confirm, I can migrate to a 3.0 for the same price of my 2.0 of $25.00 monthly?Yes, it is correct, you can migrate to 3.0 and keep the price of the Plus - Monthly plan - $24.95 (USD).I need to eventually dump about 600 members?Yes, because of the members limit - it is up to 1000 members. Do you think it's possible? Suzie Nielsen (TCC Admin)Jan 17, 2023, 21:19 GMT+2Hello, Thanks for your reply...As per the written agreement with Ning, I was NEVER supposed to be charged more than the original cost of $25.00 per month- as I was the first website to be merged to the 3.0 platform yrs ago. Please look at your own records, and look for communications with several people at Ning...The ONLY refund I want is from the times you charged me full price for a site that is offline!!! Please see below...Anastasia_Ning_SupportHi Suzie!Let me answer all the questions one by one.So to confirm, I can migrate to a 3.0 for the same price of my 2.0 of $25.00 monthly?Yes, it is correct, you can migrate to 3.0 and keep the price of the Plus - Monthly plan - $24.95 (USD).I need to eventually dump about 600 members?Yes, because of the members limit - it is up to 1000 members. Do you think it's possible? The Ning Team (Ning Help Center)Jan 16, 2023, 23:58 GMT+2Hi there,Thank you for reaching is completely private and accessible for members only.When an unregistered visitor opens the page, they see only the sign-in window that doesn't allow them to enter unless they're signed in.It's not possible for any outsider to access and view your network without having a member account.JSON is a file format in which we provide archives with all network files.JSON is similar to tables you see in Excel or in Google Sheets, and there are plenty of JSON viewers on the internet.We appreciate you being with us and we added 2 free months to your network - this way it's covered through the 15th of April, 2023.As we explain in our Terms of Service, we do not refund any unused portion of the subscription. For more information about Ning's refund policy, please visit the following pages: well soon!Best regards,John[MR6YLD-7Z34K]Susan Nielsen1:24 PM (0 minutes ago)to supportHello,every email is in this thread!! READ the entire thread!! The one from Anastasia states clearly that I was supposed to be charged $24.95 a month and if you check all the years of billing you can clearly see how much I pay!!!ALSO, I want to take the site down- I do not want anything free- I want my overcharges refunded!!

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  • Hi Suzie!

    We are sorry for the late reply.

    According to your conversation with Anna on the 1st of March, the following issue has been solved. 

    The network was canceled, and we issued you a refund to your default payment method. 

    Please, let me know if you have any questions!

    Kind regards,
    The Ning Team

This reply was deleted.

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