Animate your profile picture!! Using a simple redirect script. It works with all browsers. IE8,9 - Firefox - Google chrome.. and nameless others.
Your Profile animated gif dimentions need to be set to 183px by 183px very important. This size is what Ning will support as a profile picture. This script will also change the smaller Icon views..
Here's the morph that I'm using. It's an animated .gif... I made this Morphed picture using Sqirlz Morph.
Now upload your .gif to your file manager and save the link. Mine in the script below is ('') Replace this one with yours.
Then find out what the name of Your current profile pic is. Use just the name not the link! Mine in the script below is (833753985.jpg) Replace this one with yours.
You're all set.
Just place the code in your NC custom code box and select save. Now your profile picture is animated
<script type="text/javascript">
x$('img[src*="833753985.jpg"]').attr('src', '');
This is a great tip but the thing is my members would want to have it too. How is that possible?
you would have to use that script for each individual.. sorry no way that I know of to do it for a whole network with one code. but I will keep working on it.. You can just offer it to the most active members or Paying members as a reward. Or even just give it out once a month for like the member of the month reward.
I offered it to all my Members only three members are using it Thank God for that LOL
you have a great Day Dennis
That's a great idea George. I mean your idea of using it as a reward. Keep working on it.
Where can I place the code
I've tried using the code everywhere.. in the main page text boxe and even in a ad box but the only place it will work is in the NC custom code box..
thank ......
You're welcome Mr kaung