Hi all NCs,
Make your Ning bar follow by fixing it in its position. Similar to the sites here:
Add this to your CSS Code
#xn_bar { position: fixed !important; top:0;left:0; z-index: 9999; }
Update:If these changes made your header or ads above overlap or cutoff, apply some top margin to your header CSS:
#xg_head { margin-top:100px !important; }
If you have a layout that has the navigation tabs above header..
#xg_navigation { margin-top:100px !important; }
or if you have an ad above header box
.xj_ad_above_header { margin-top: 100px !important; }
Adjust the margin top value pixel (100px) accordingly..
Thanks Eric!
Thanks Armani, I checked your site and looks like it's working now--
Please consider the environment before printing this content.
cheers Bernard.
hey, glad you like this Jords.
Thanks and I agree with you. Technically, this can really be done by pure CSS. We only use JS code when needed and if CSS cannot pull it off ;-)
have a great weekend.
I love this tip, the only problem is it makes the Admin "Edit" disappear on my top page Ad box, and then when I sign out, it bumps my ads all the way up against the Ning bar. If I could figure those 2 issues out this will be perfect for me. If anyone has suggestions please let me know.
Yes, I loved this too, but it makes the space between the bar and the header disappear.
Hi guys,
Thanks for the feedback. Made some updates on this tip to fix every issue you have above header.
Have a great weekend~
perfect! thank you!