I put it into a stylesheet because of the amount of code it takes to do this. So it's really easy to add and remove from your NC custom code box
If you'd like to view the Codes in The stylesheet just click here
just add this code to the top of your NC custom code box.
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="https://api.ning.com/files/HXLvFMxAKuyPQOGcM0VWmoI89uFoZpwLi9nKLm*sn3NXhTu5yYLg5dSQ8COCNrrZ8wQch4NZIoQKcn5tHeIafTLx8To6j2Ij/style_GC_main_page.css" />
Remember everyone results may vary because of the differences in Ning networks.
This was tested and design on a Ning pro account.
If you would like me to change anything in this code or remove anything for you just ask I'll be more than happy to help
instead of using this stylesheet I recommend my new Discussion
"TIP" "style_GC_whole_network.css" Version 5 it adds styles and animation FX's to Your whole network blogs, events, Forum, latest activity, comments and a whole lot more
Posted by George H. Compton IV on September 9, 2012
it's a lot more compatible than this version. For the most part it has all the codes From this discussion plus all the fixes, compatibility and color code changes + a whole lot more Animations and FX's for your network.
this man brings great tips every 5munite. lolz
Awww thank you Aanu
I see you've done a lot of work on your network today.. it's looking great!! :-)
nice tip..but it cuts off half the video in the latest activity feed..or i should say it reduces the size of video by 75% any fix for that...heres the link to show what im talking about
I have fixed that part of the code and added a little padding in a couple other spots. Try it again it should work perfectly for you now :-)
thanks works perfect
Hello solo :-)
you used the style sheet that I created for the whole network there was one little problem that I can fix for you. Just add this code to your NC custom code box.
here's an image to show you what it will fix across your whole network
and after
thanks george i accepted your friends request also..its late now but i would like to modify the whole network code just a tad..i will talk to you in the morning.
I'm sorry to bother you again solo :-) I should've done this in the first place. This looks a lot better use this one instead
DIV.xg_module_head {
border-radius:5px 25px 5px 25px!important;
border:0px solid #b30729!important;
-moz-border-radius:21px 651px 21px 41px!important;
-webkit-border-radius:21px 65px 21px 11px!important;-moz-box-shadow:0 4px 3px rgba(0,0,0,0.5) inset;
-webkit-box-shadow:0 4px 3px rgba(0,0,0,0.5) inset;
box-shadow:0 4px 3px rgba(0,0,0,0.5) inset;
outline:0 none;padding:5px 9px!important;}
DIV.xg_module_head H2{
@george,lol..i wanted to ask last night what browser were you working on.sao i knew you were going to take a look and give me the correct code..George your never a bother..your really helping me out and i appreciate it so much..keep bothering me all you want,lol
I just uploaded the new style sheet for the whole network so remove that fix I just gave you and also remove the style sheet for The main page and the Whole network. I've integrated all that into the stylesheet and The fix is a little better on this one for the heads :-) I think you'll really like this one. I also sent this to you in a message so I know you'll receive it.
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="https://api.ning.com/files/HXLvFMxAKuwTa1ZLKgQQ9y3UzM3SGEQCu9COpUSAN1kVB6SkvbJADvjMPfvLJ1hndzNwBVTCHGDGRngQ4Gkpk-oukWUXbzWX/style_GC_whole_network.css" />