Fluid profileCoverArea img click here to see it live
The best size for the image to keep it high quality is
1000 x 300 px
/*! Design studio CSS section */
@media screen and (min-width:482px) {
max-width: 1400px!important;
margin-right:auto!important; }
DIV.banner-header.profileCoverArea {
height: 0!important;
background-size: 100% 100%!important;
padding-bottom: 30%!important;} }
Fluid group Header img click here to see it live
The best size for the image to keep it high quality is
1000 x 200 px
/*! Design studio CSS section */
BODY.page-groups DIV.banner-header.groupHeader.groupHeader-coverPhoto,
BODY.page-group DIV.banner-header.groupHeader.groupHeader-coverPhoto {
background-size: 100% 100%!important;
padding-bottom: 20%!important;
height: 0!important; }
@media screen and (max-width:687px) {
BODY.page-groups DIV.groupHeader-image,
BODY.page-group DIV.groupHeader-image{
display:none!important; }
BODY.page-groups DIV.banner-box,
BODY.page-groups DIV.banner-box.banner-overlay,
BODY.page-group DIV.banner-box,
BODY.page-group DIV.banner-box.banner-overlay{
text-align: left; }}
@media screen and (max-width:482px) {
BODY.page-groups DIV.banner-box.banner-overlay,
BODY.page-group DIV.banner-box.banner-overlay{
padding: 0px!important;
padding-bottom: 15%!important; } }
@media screen and (min-width:687px) {
BODY.page-groups DIV.banner-frame,
BODY.page-group DIV.banner-frame {
max-width: 1100px!important;
margin-right:auto!important; } }
Fluid network header image click here to see it live
The best size for the image to keep it high quality is
1500 x 400 or 960 x 300
In the code below replace the background-image link "http://www.your.image" with your image link.
/*! Design studio CSS section */
HEADER.site-headerFrame {
background-image: url("http://www.your.image") !important;
background-size: 100% 100%!important;
width: 100%!important;
padding-bottom: 27%!important;
height: 0!important;}
Fluid Social Channels Video player click here to see it live
On the example page I have the max with of the video set to 1000px instead of 750px
You can change the size of the video by changing the 750px in the CSS line of code
<!-- Custom Code - HEAD Code box -->
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="https://storage.ning.com/topology/rest/1.0/file/get/963872720?profile=original" />
<!-- End Fluid Social Channels Video player -->
/*! Design studio CSS section */
DIV.feedListPagePlayer-source {
max-width:750px!important; }
Thank you so much George for sharing this code, Fantastic :-) I'm always amazed with what you come up with :-)
I love the codes and thank you again and Merry Christmas from us all in Australia.
Thank you Dave. :-) Merry Christmas from all of us in the United States. :-)
nice work George.... happy holidays buddy~
Thank you, JF :-) I hope you have a happy holiday as well..
Hi George
Hope you are doing well , Please can you do this for my N 3 , Thank you so much :D
Hello Mary :-) okay, they're all on your network. :-)
Hello there George
Thank you so much your a star as all ways :D
Thank you, Mary. I hope you have a wonderful new year. :-)
Updated,,, I've added a code to make the Social Channels player Fluid
Awesome George. It is amazing how quickly you have made many projects happen. Thanks my friend and hope you have a Happy New Year.