Sometimes, we have some of those right side modules were very tall. So by the time you scrolled down to the bottom of the modules, you would have to scroll back up just to read forum category you had just viewed.
The solution is to make the forum category sticky as you are scrolling.
Just copy and paste the code into custom code, you are done.
Live Demo
if you are looking for someone to re-design your ning site, directly contact me via my email id
The Code
<!-- STICKY FORUM CATEGORY BY Bernard Lama for -->
<script type="text/javascript">
if (!!x$('.categories.byCategory').offset()) {
var stickyTop = x$('.xg_widget_forum .categories.byCategory').offset().top;
var windowTop = x$(window).scrollTop();
if (stickyTop < windowTop){
x$('.xg_widget_forum .categories.byCategory').css({ position: 'fixed', top: 0 });
else {
x$('.xg_widget_forum .categories.byCategory').css('position','static');}
.xg_widget_forum .categories.byCategory {
position: relative;
width: 747px;
<!-- STICKY FORUM CATEGORY BY Bernard Lama for -->
This is amazing! I currently have my discussions showing up as latest by time so I can skip the category and jump straight in to the topics, but for the people who have category view set as default, this would be very neat to see.
This can be altered to show Discussions instead of Categories right? (I'm getting brave here lol)
Yeah that's can be done..
okay, now Bernard, is it as simple as changing 'categories' to 'discussions' and '.byCategory' to .byDiscussions'?
Gary, however, I could not figure specific class or id. I'm sorry for that. Hope someone can figure it out.
ah okay. this is where my bravery ends lol I am not that savvy computer-wise to figure that one out. Thank you Bernard!