I thought I could share my version of the profile comment quick fix, while we're waiting for the official fix.
This is my version. Here you go:
#xg_profiles_chatterwall_list img.photo { float:left !important; padding-right:5px !important; margin:0px !important; }
#xg_profiles_chatterwall_list dl { margin:0px !important; padding:0px !important; }
#xg_profiles_chatterwall_list { margin:0px !important; padding:0px !important; }
#xg_profiles_chatterwall_list .xg_user_generated { padding-left:40px; }
#xg_profiles_chatterwall_list dl.comment dt { margin-left:0px !important; }
It's not perfect, but I think it will do for now. I hope this code should cover the issue temporarily. You can remove it when needed.
Good Day.
Thank you O creator
This is as good as an official fix =)
thnx better then my fix
but still i wsas proud of myself for getting it to look fairkly ok on no sleep lol
where do you put it?
css box at the end ofcourse
design studio..advanced
tried that didnt work
whats your site let me look
it might not fix it on ciustomized profiles check onyour newest join that still has the default
Oh ok it worked cool thanks I was just doin it on css not developer mode when did that it worked
oh u used developer mode? does that still disable profile customization? i had to stop using that during beta and never went back
but yea u can only use 1 or the other not both'
developer has priority and disables the rest