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Your images will auto resize while being in-line and centered. It'll work on all columns and layouts. You can also add an image title underneath each and every image.

click here to see it live   On this page I have the divide in two HTML box's, in the comments and in the HTML box above the footer 

Easy HTML. We'll be use Ning's HTML editor to create the HTML. First figure out how many pictures you're going to add. You will add a number for each image in the divide below.
now we'll add this divide to any HTML box, now you will see your numbers. Highlight the first number then press the image upload button. Now add your image title right before this  symbol </a> which is at the end of the HTML. It will look like this ( 300" />your image text</a> )    Adding the text is optional.

Continue this step for every image you want to add. See image below.

Add a link to any individual picture.

Place this divide in any HTML box and follow the instructions above. You can also use this in comments, blogs, groups, HTML boxes below the header and above the footer. Anywhere that accepts HTML.

<div class="inline-images">
1 2 3 4

Next choose the appropriate stylesheet for your network. A standard network width or a 100% network width stylesheet.

Standard network width
Place this CSS stylesheet in your (custom code <Head> Code box)

<!-- GEOCOMs inline images Standard network width -->
<!--  <Head> Code box -->
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href=""/>
<!-- End inline-images  -->

100% network width
Place this CSS stylesheet in your (custom code <Head> Code box)

<!-- GEOCOMs inline images 100% network width -->
<!--  <Head> Code box -->
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href=""/>
<!-- End inline-images  -->

You can also add a little style to make it stand out.

Just edit the colors and add it to your design studio CSS section.
If anyone would like help customizing this just let me know.

DIV.inline-images a{
    background-color: rgba( 215, 222, 227, 0.4)!important;
    border: 1px solid #333!important;

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  • NC for Hire

    good tip George!

    • Thank you JFarrow,  have you looked at the CSS on the stylesheet? I wrote individual codes for each and every column. :)
      Thank you again you have a great day.

  • I'm a little confused- am I understanding it correctly?-: this is a tip that we as NCs would know to do each time we insert pics into a post?  But not something that members would typically know to do on their own?  It's something that needs to be done each time, not just a code that is placed once and then works automatically for all members posting...  correct?  Thanks!

    • Hello Strumelia, you would have to use this divide any time you want this effect.  You can also use this in comments and the HTML boxes below the header and above the footer.   

      <div class="inline-images">
      1 2 3 4

      As long as you have the stylesheet in your custom code head code box, you can let your members know about the divide. Your members can use the divide anytime there posting something whether it's a blog or a comment.

  • Update... Now for standard or full width networks.

  • Awesome Tip George :)

    • Thank you Dave, did you know it also works in blogs, forums and groups, anywhere on your network that accepts HTML.

  • Update 5-4-14 You can now add an image title underneath each and every image.

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