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I deleted a group that had 186 pictures posted in comments and they take up about 0.4 gig of space. However, when I deleted the group, my network disk usage did not go down. I found out that all the pictures of the group are still on the web server.

I bought this problem to Ning's attention and their response:

"Since Disk Usage looks directly into storage, and these files were not deleted from it, they are not deleted from Disk Usage either. That why deleting the group doesn`t affect the storage holdings. In order to clear space on the network, you should to independently delete all unnecessary files."

I told them that was ludicrous.  How can I find files in a list of 1000s when I have no way to search the "Files List".

Their response:

" ... it is a feature of the platform. Unfortunately, it cannot be changed on our end."

Per Ning's suggestion, I painstakingly went through the "Files List", one-by-one, to find a picture file that was pre-maturely posted in a comment. I deleted the comment but the picture file was still on the web server.  I finally found the file in the "Files List".  It took forever for I have no way of searching within the "Files List".  I deleted the file in the "Files List" and it is no longer listed in the "Files List", but is still on the server and can be viewed.  It is also considered in my "Data Usage".

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  • NC for Hire

    Thank you for your work outlining this. That is messed up.

    • I wish to keep my data usage down.  However, when something is added to the network, it will always be included in the data usage for there is no way to totally delete it from the network.  I can see why there would be no incentive for Ning to fix this problem.  Eventually, I will have to pay more for my network for my data usage will move my network to the next tier.

      When I was on Ning 2, and in the beginning, this was not a problem.  Then suddenly it popped up.  When I deleted a group with tons of pictures posted in comments, my data usage would not go down.  I told this to Ning, but they did nothing about it.  Ning was so busy developing the Ning 3 platform that they ignored the problems on Ning 2.  Obviously, and unfortunately, this problem has drifted to the Ning 3 platform.

      When I migrated from Ning 2 to Ning 3, I asked that Ning not migrate all the orphan files in my network.  I explained to them that these were files from deleted containers like groups and comments.  They obliged my request and did not migrate the orphan files.  After the move, I found out that the Ning 2 data usage meter indicated that I was using 4 times more than what I was really using.  That is just terrible!

      • NC for Hire

        check and delete duplicate files .. problem solved, a song I love there is no time to cry

        • I do not know anything about duplicates. There is no way I can go through 1000s and 1000s of files one-at-a-time to delete files from a container.  Ning needs to fix it so that if a container is deleted, so is all the content of that container.


        • NC for Hire

          Is this something you have done yourself and verified?

          Are you saying you have had similar issues and have taken the time to come up with this solution?

          Given how Cindy has researched the issue it seems like your response is way too easy and that Cindy must be too computer illiterate to came up with the same solution you did.

          • I not quiet follow you.  I am the one that started this thread and the one leaving replies to those that comment.  Everything on my end has been verified.

            1. Deleting a container (like a group or comment) does not delete the content of that container (like a picture posted in a comment).
            2. Deleting a file in the "Files List" manager, removes the file from being listing in the "Files List" manager, but the file itself is still on the web server. Any files on the web server is counted in "Data Usage".

            Basically, your "Data Usage" can never go down when deleting containers.  It can only go up as new content is added.

            If there was some way to list the files in the "Files List" by container, I could then delete all the pictures posted in a specific container.  The files are listed by file size and that is the only search option I have.  But first, they need to fix it that if I delete a file from the "Files List", it needs to be removed from the web sever.  See below what I see.

            I am very computer literate.


          • Garfield, I miss read your comment.  I thought you were attacking me.  Sorry!  I will keep my reply up for it explains more about what the problem is.  8o)

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