A video recently posted by one of my top members generated a huge amount of traffic for us, the reason was that it was widely shared on Facebook and it was a perfect fit for our niche.
What has been the single busiest post in terms of views for your network, be it a blog post, photo, video, discussion etc and why did it do so well would you say?
Here is the video I mentioned which has had over 22000 views so far!
On my network the Motorhomes On Craigslist page wins the prize with 11,589 views.
It saves the reader time by allowing them to scan through the regions quickly.
Wow, how did you do that? I'd love to offer this on StarryID, eg list of photographers in the UK
The map is made with <map> & <area> HTML tags linked to internal links.
<area shape="poly" coords="416,97,407,97,389,98,387,88,383,83,384,64,373,68,372,64,367,58,350,55,347,52,344,50,346,46,354,45,356,42,363,40,366,38,390,45,400,52,407,64,409,72,405,76,407,81,410,76,416,75,416,84" href="http://motorhomes.com/craigslist#MI" alt="Michigan" title="Michigan">
Internal links are within the body of the page.
<a id="MI" name="MI"></a>
I don't know much about coding... so how would I customise this to be about photographers in the UK?
That's cool!
I saw this in Pinterest I think!
That's very possible! Pinterest has driven a lot of referral traffic for this post.