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Why 3.0?

Hello, Fellow Creators and Ning Techs,

So all these years, I have heard how GREAT 3.0 is and I should absolutely upgrade from my 2.0 to a 3.0!

Well, I did that! The Merge which I was told would be very simple and quick!  WAS neither simple or quick! I am here to tell you it was a 2-3 month ordeal, mostly caused by lack of communication and I feel not enough Ning employees to keep up with the work- Now I do not know that for a fact, but give me some other viable reason...

My main reason for upgrading was to incorporate a Landing Page! That's it- that's all I wanted...I liked all the features on my 2.0 and now I almost regret the move.

Now, I have NO way to SHARE the newest content whether it be an exclusive editorial or an up to the minute discussion- why in the world would Ning NOT include that much-needed share feature!! Now, anytime I wish to share new content with members, I have to copy and paste it into a Broadcast message! Stupid!!! It is extremely important for my business!!!

And of course the missing controls for FONT sizes...

I see many discussions regarding these issues over the yrs... So here is my Question

Is NING or a Fellow Creator working on adding this SHARE feature???  I will chip in to help pay for this code to be developed!!  and I am sure others would contribute

 Couldn't you configure the emailing option- to email to ALL MEMBERS instead of my email addresses- or do I need to somehow download my members (nearly 1700) to an email address and use it that way???? I know my own email will not allow that many... Please, please give me hope that this will be developed-soon!!

Don't mean to be debbie downer here but hey!!

Thanks a Bunch, Suzie

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  • Thanks for the heads-up Suzie - you've just convinced me to stay on 2.0!

    I too was being swayed by promotions from Ning to move to 3.0 but there's simply too much to lose if it goes wrong.

    • Eddie,

      I don't want to stop anyone from doing the merge, but you need the TRUTH I am in contact with another gal who began her merge close to when I started- she is still struggling and her merge is not completed.

      For me that Missing ability to Share is huge!! 

      I do want to highlight the other good things about 3.0 - for me, the #1 selling point was the Landing Page and the ability to change the layout and purpose of a page - as an example, each page can have a different layout and any page can have a forum and you can charge for  pages...

      I will show you some pages so you can get a better understanding of the possibilities- this page is not linked as my home page yet still taking... Promise not to judge my politics?!!! take a look

      I will show you my welcome/landing/splash page

      and here are a couple of layouts

      My survival page was just content- now it has a forum

      And this page layout has lots of modules in a different layout

      My members are liking the layout, now that some of the glitches are under control!!

      I just want to share the good also...


      The Constitutional Conservatives social network
      • NC for Hire

        o seen the method of creating the theme ... and I understood who created it ... the problem that with 3.0 it is possible to create a perfect and modern theme ... yours is not perfect according to my canons as a designer

        • What do you mean? I created the network and I hired JFarrow to design my welcome page... please elaborate on what you mean?


          • NC for Hire

            the welcome page is ok the rest looks like a paper to write

            • I appreciate your honesty... it is not all that I pictured either so it is OK...

              The merge sorta took the wind out of my sails, know what I mean? I was so ec=xcited and inspired about rebranding a bit and the frustration, unfortunately, overweighed my inspiration... I am trying to get it back...  I could not follow through on many ideas...  Working on the merge so hard took away my design ideas...So there it is... I am getting it back as the site finally functions halfway decent!!



              • NC for Hire

                Hi Suzie if you want I can help you as I did on other 3.0 free

                • What ideas do you have?

                  • NC for Hire

                    sign up on my site and you realize that a site ning is not a blog but a community ... I have been a designer for 15 years if you want I can help you ... even if I have little time

        • May I see your site?

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NC for Hire
Mar 19
Markus Miner replied to ⚡JFarrow⌁'s discussion
Ning Creators Sound Off: Share Your Network
"Man I'd love the help I was about just start a new network"
Mar 19
⚡JFarrow⌁ replied to ⚡JFarrow⌁'s discussion
Ning Creators Sound Off: Share Your Network
"I can fix that... ill send you my contact info. no problem"
Mar 18
⚡JFarrow⌁ replied to ⚡JFarrow⌁'s discussion
Ning Creators Sound Off: Share Your Network
"I can fix that... ill send you my contact info. no problem"
Mar 18
Markus Miner replied to ⚡JFarrow⌁'s discussion
Ning Creators Sound Off: Share Your Network
"Changed my design and now my logo overlap my new background header with no option to remove it.…"
Mar 15
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Ning Creators Sound Off: Share Your Network
"Because Ning is a terribly ran business with lack of upgrades and becoming obsolete "
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