May 14
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May 14
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Hi Lesly,
it looks like you added a html which messed up your codes, i am not sure why did you put it, maybe in custom code or a html text box.
As seen "
<img height="1" width="1" style="border-style:none;" alt="" src="//"/>
The code below this line is messed up, i think its above the flexslider code. Do check it, you should be able to access your dashboard if you are signed in, just head over to the link
Have a Wonderful Day
Blessings Always Helen
I would be more than happy to help here's the code to fix your text in your footer it's now responsive :-) you have a great day.
@media screen and (max-width:960px) {
#footer DIV.nav{
float: none!important;}
#footer DIV.nav UL{
text-align: center!important;
display: inline-block!important;
vertical-align: middle!important;
float: none!important;} }
Thanks for the add!
A time to start anew,
While all the stars are sleeping,
The rose is fresh with dew.
Each day’s a new creation,
Too lovely to ignore,
We may find a blessing,
Just outside our door.
We cannot keep the past,
Like fireflies in a jar;
Nor journey to the future,
By wishing on a star.
Every sunrise is a blessing,
A gift for just today,
Rejoice my friend,
Embrace it before it fades away!
© Author Unknown
Blessings Always
Thanks for the add Lesly!
your talking 3.0 right
ok id set up a cusom page fir each in unlim=nked pages make a list page linking to each in linked pages so they get ctrawled
to hide the headers a lil tricky but
i think you maybe able to do some css trickery
at the very top in html box put a <link type="text/css" http://urlto/advertisers.css> (look up proper code) in the advertisers.css put
header {display:none;}
thats all
so when the page loads the header will apear only a split second in ning 3 u may not ever see it unles fir some reason its real slow (other widgets stalling load) as soon as it encou8nters the link it loads the advertiser css and hides the header
i believe that should work without testing it
if an ad above the header type box is added later put the codethere the higher up it loads the better