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Washington, DC


March 4

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I run - a social network of over 21,500 government innovators

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  • Aloha Steve! Govloop is an awesome site. I see on your About here that whenever you filled it out you were at 21k members and now at 150k. That's amazing. Is Govloop still a Ning network or are you now using something else?

  • Hello Steve- my DEV guy is having rewrite a great deal of code for the BuddyPress import tools-its a difficult process but what i have seen so far keeps me hopeful. I will give you an update when we make the move

  • Would you consider being a member of worldlibreto, Looking for great users. check us out at the who's who for businesses.

    It's free and you can make your mark here!
  • do you do any consulting work on the side to help others set up networks?
  • Hi Steve,

    I am trying to create an area on my ning site called "topics" (similar to the topics section on govloop).  I do not want to use pages or notes as they both have the "view all.." option, and also notes does not support java.

    Would you mind telling me how you created your topics area?  I noticed that the topics url is  Is this a separate website or part of the ning site?  Thanks!

  • Congrats!!
  • Thanks Steve! Hope it's working well for you guys at GovLoop.
  • HI Steve,
    LOve your site........
    I was wordering if you can point me in the right direccion about creating a rotating banner/hightlight box on top of the page.......

    How is this done!!!!! Thanks for all your help
  • Hey Steve...I was wondering if you had any thoughts on a discussion I posted:
  • Hi steve
    I run and
    I was wondering if you could tell me how you are doing the pop up i saw on your site.
    It would be the perfect place to offer a free book to get more members.
This reply was deleted.


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