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Happy CMAD!If you didn't know today is Community Manager Appreciation Day, it's ok. It doesn't mean your community doesn't appreciate you. They likely don't read or follow Jeremiah Owyang, who has dubbed the fourth Friday in January, Community Manager Appreciation Day.This is a day for us to reflect on our own efforts, trials and tribulations as community managers, as well as give ourselves and each other pats on the back.Every member of Creators is a burgeoning or successful manager of at least one community. With this role comes stress, but also joy as we see our networks grow and evolve. We each put in hours and hours (and hours) of work strengthening the connections between our members, sharing stories and information, and helping one another.So from one community manager to more than 5000 others, I say congratulations and thank you!Laura

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  • Thank you too, Laura. My Modern Met appreciates all the help you and the Ning team offer us to be a successful social network.
  • Thanks,,, I too just noticed this
  • Sorry didn't see this until just now. Thank you and you're welcome:)
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