Currently we are thoroughly watching over the situation in Ukraine and trying to support the brave and unstoppable spirit of Ukrainian nation in fight against Russian invasion by donating to the official resources provided by the Government. NING is standing with Ukraine in this fight for freedom and independence and if you want to show your support you can donate here.
Слава Україні! Героям Слава!

Current status of the Ning Platform is always available on the Ning Status Blog.

Tweaks & Quick Tips (11)

NC for Hire
Tips left for other Ning Creators get buried with time, so I developed a method to resurface those good ones for another round of help. A while back I showed you over 200 Ning tips that I had scraped out of my own profile discussions dating back to 2007. There was quite a bit of garbage in there so I have gone through those and picked out around 110 tips which are still relevant and have compiled them into a collection for you. You can simply learn something new every day from these tips alone. So, if you think you have done all you can do to make your network the best it can be, i am here to show you that you still have much to do.
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NC for Hire

How to change your header banner image automatically after every 20 seconds or suit to your time preference?

Step 1: Create your HTML page.  Sample HTML page. This page will display as a custom header banner image.

Step 2:  Copy and paste the following code into notepad and add your custom HTML/IFRAME page.

Step 3: Copy/paste the entire code into CUSTOM CODE (End of Page Code)

You are done.

Download HTML sample code

Live example click here

If there is any issue while implementing this tip, feel free to ask me.

If you would like to go beyond this tip or looking for any kind of help, feel free to contact me

<div id="BL_ads_within_contents" style="display:none;">
<p style="text-align:right";>
<iframe width="970" height="160" src="http://YOUR_HTML/IFRAME_PAGE.html" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe>
<script type="text/javascript">
if (typeof(x$) != 'undefined') {
x$(".header-siteNameLogo").prepend('<div id="insidecontent"></div>');
var within_contentsCode = document.getElementById('BL_ads_within_contents');
var insidecontentCode = document.getElementById('insidecontent');
insidecontentCode.innerHTML = within_contentsCode.innerHTML;
#insidecontent {
margin-left: -8px!important;
width: 970px;
height: 5px;

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NC for Hire

If you want to give your members a tool to use for showing where their posts and content are geolocated, here is a tool for you.  Use this static map generator tool to create an embed code for adding maps to your posts, pages and groups or virtually any post on Ning 3.0 networks using this tool. Code is below for adding your own to a site.  


 Code for Adding Google Maps Static Map Generator to Your Site.  Just plop the following HTML into a text box on a page if you'd like to allow your members to generate a static map code for their posts.
<iframe name="mapgenerator" width="100%" height="700" style="border: 0px #FFFFFF none;" src="" marginheight="0px" marginwidth="0px" frameborder="1" scrolling="yes"></iframe>
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I don't know why I didn't think of it before, but for the last few months, when I have a new member request and I can't quite decide if they're a spammer or just lousy at filling out their profile... I take their email and plug it into the search blank on Facebook. It's not a perfect system, but it is one more step to test a new member's authenticity before you hand them the power to blast nasty on all your members!
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I requested all members who want to join my groups on other networks (e.g. LinkedIn) to first sign-up with my Ning network, in order to be accepted. I don't have the time to check if all potential members follow my rule, but it significantly increased the number of sign-ups on my Ning network, and also help reduce the number of people who join for spamming purposes.
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Fellow NC's,

This is Joseph Porcelli, one of Guides here on Creators. This week, I'm spending some of my time reminding our members which feature to use when so I thought I share some of our process with you.

Have you ever noticed (or gotten frustrated) that you members will post content in the wrong features? Blogs in forums, forums in blogs, events as blogs…ring a bell?

A while back a study was conducted on our networks. One of the major observations was that there was no continuity to where our members posted and found content. To address this we've taken the following steps:

  1. We distinguished and published how each feature is best used and gave concrete examples.
  2. We used the language editor to change the names of the feature on the front page. See what it looks like.
  3. We made a presentation that quickly explains which features to use when. Feel free to use our prezi or save it and customize it for your own networks.
  4. We edited our welcome message to mention which features to use when. Here is the link on how to edit your welcome message.
  5. In our weekly broadcast messages we remind folks what feature to use when and event break out forum posts by category to reinforce how to use the forums . Here is a copy of our most recent broadcast message NFN_Broadcast.pdf
How are you teaching your members which features to use when?
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Recently I have worried a lot about the network search system on my Ning network.

We have technical problems that may be inherent to all social networks, not just our Ning networks. The technology for searching inside networks that have new information added continuously is not very advanced, and this is general, not just at Ning.

So now I have written a blog post trying to explain -- in simple language -- how the search system works on a Ning network, for the benefit of my members.


I have also described a couple of alternatives to using the Ning search (which I like very much, when it works).

I would be happy if other Network Creators can adapt my explanation to their own situation. And I would be happy for any advice on how to improve the explanation I have given.

Thanks, Peter

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Going Local with Ning

One of my Ning networks is getting enough members that I'd like it to start having a local focus. In an ideal world Ning would use the town/state/country information in member profiles to geotag. That would allow us to target by geography, e.g., send a message to anyone within twenty miles of Boston, MA.But you can hack a geography listing.
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