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Custom Code (9)

Ciao a tutti. Io vorrei realizzare un menu a tendina come quello che di attiva nella versione mobile, anche per il formato desktop.

Se si potessero fare delle animazioni di apertura sarebbe ancora meglio.

Come posso farlo?



Hi everyone. I would like to create a drop-down menu like the one that is active in the mobile version, also for the desktop format.

If opening animations could be done it would be even better.

How can I do it?

Thank you


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Live chat support

Hello everyone,
I want to put live chat support on a landing page from the NING platform.
From what I understand to make this possible I have to insert a source code for this live chat!
I would like to know from your experience what recommendations you can give me to insert a live chat. I'm also interested if you found one with free functionality!
As a function, this live chat also wants to have automatic options to insert a welcome note for those who enter the page, to wait for an answer if the operators are busy and also to collect the email address .

I would be glad if some of you could give me some tips and recommendations for inserting a live chat directly on a landing page from the NING platform.

Thank you!

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NC for Hire

If you want to give your members a tool to use for showing where their posts and content are geolocated, here is a tool for you.  Use this static map generator tool to create an embed code for adding maps to your posts, pages and groups or virtually any post on Ning 3.0 networks using this tool. Code is below for adding your own to a site.  


 Code for Adding Google Maps Static Map Generator to Your Site.  Just plop the following HTML into a text box on a page if you'd like to allow your members to generate a static map code for their posts.
<iframe name="mapgenerator" width="100%" height="700" style="border: 0px #FFFFFF none;" src="" marginheight="0px" marginwidth="0px" frameborder="1" scrolling="yes"></iframe>
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NC for Hire

In the infinite pursuit of making a little money with our networks, the know-how for creating rotating ads and banners is ever-present. I figured I would help you all out a little bit and point you towards some rotating banner scripts and image rotators for you to implement on your networks as I am on my network for land surveyors. I hope you enjoy these. If you use one, please stop back by and drop a screenshot in the comments below and show us how it turned out.
Simple Banner Rotator

[DEMO HERE] This free JavaScript supports an unlimited number of banners, the ability to refresh (change) the ads every n milliseconds, where n is an interval you set, as well as the facility to specify a banner or set of banners for rotation at a particular location, or have them rotate randomly. You can set an expiry date for a banner as well, where a particular banner is removed from display after a certain date. Different sets of banners can also be assigned to different parts of your web page, and the script is able to avoid displaying the same banner in different spots on the same page. You can set the sizes of the banners (overriding the default size for the banner), cause the links for each banner to open either in the same window/tab or a new browser window/tab, etc. The script is released under the GNU General Public License, which means that it's open source.

Magic Image Rotation

[DEMO HERE] This script rotates your pictures, photos or other types of images along with their associated links (that is, each image can have different target links). The first image that is shown is random, and the subsequent images will be shown in sequence (as far as I can tell). The site's demo uses the script as a sort of photo slideshow.

ESPBanner Script

[DEMO HERE] This banner rotation script will automatically switch the advertisements displayed on your site while your page is being displayed. It can handle Flash, images and other types of banners, and allows you to display two or more banners on the same page.

Free Banner Rotator with Caption

[DEMO HERE]This banner rotator will display your banners, which may be either images or Flash files, together with their captions.

Random Image Ad

With this java script you can put random image ad or rotate banner ads randomly. Just put source and link to your images in array and this script will do the rest.

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