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Welcome to the third in a series of Ning Creators blog posts focusing on simple design tricks you can use on your network.

Trick #3: Swapping the Main Page Left and Center Columns

The following code, used on Enrique Iglesias's official community, will flip the order of the left and center columns on your network's Main page.Just visit the "Appearance" area inside the "Manage" tab, then paste the following CSS snippet inside the "Advanced" section (underneath any other code that may already be there):

.xg_widget_main_index_index .xg_3col .xg_1col {float:right;margin-left:0;}.xg_widget_main_index_index .xg_3col .xg_2col {margin-left:0;}#homelayout div.column {float:right;}#homelayout div.col2 {float:left;}#homelayout div.col1 {margin-right:115px;margin-left:-230px;}* html #homelayout div.col1 {margin-right:0;

When you're done, click the "Save" button, then check out your Main page. The left and center columns should now be swapped. Enjoy!

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  • Hello Creators,


    How does one create a section in the adbox that can be clicked on and receive Comments?


    Also how does one put the word "Comments" under the main header which can be clicked to directly for additional comments or reply?




    NEWS OF THE DAY or Photo



    ex...      both of the above being hyper links?                _

  • como faço isso 



  • yes !! Thanks
  • Thank you very much for this info
  • Thank you. It looks better..
  • How do you play with the width of these columns, without disturbing the overall alignment.. I just want the center one to shrink a bit and the left col (which has been swapped) with an increased width... Any Ideas...
  • NC for Hire
    Thank you.
This reply was deleted.

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