This is it: the network on Ning for Network Creators run by Network Creators is here, people!As another Network Creator, the author of Ning for Dummies and one of the Ning Creators Guides, I am glad that we have a network for Network Creators back on Ning. Many of us were missing the feel of rubbing shoulders with other fellow Network Creators. We live in the trenches, using Ning day in, day out in our networks and we can often offer great advice and answers to other Network Creators, new or experienced.Ning Creators is here to offer Network Creators with a place to connect with others who, like you, are using Ning to develop niche social networks.The network Forum is set up to allow you to be informed about the latest from Ning; read popular questions about Ning and answer questions from fellow creators; learn best practices to improve your network; get feedback about your network; and offer ideas to improve Ning as a platform as well as Ning Creators. Make sure to check out the Forum categories.Before you dive in, take a few minutes to read the Guidelines: they are some simple rules of the road, so we can all make the most of this space.Also, allow me to introduce the rest of the Guides. Each of them has a lot of experience creating and developing networks on Ning:
Kyle |
Dave |
Jen |
Matt |
Joseph |
Andrew |
![]() Phil |