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NC for Hire

I've been cleaning my Ning Network up for our 16th Birthday celebration as a community and I came across a great trick for moving your primary navigation up into the account bar.

Move Ning Navigation

Simply add the following to your custom code bottom section near the top of other codes..

// movenav to before ningbar
x$(document).ready(function() {


I am searching today for a way to make this script load faster so there isn't a 1 second lag but there you have it.  Perhaps Bizz will know a way..

Let me know if you have any questions or need help with your ning community.

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  • NC for Hire

    Have you tried using CSS to move the bar?

    • NC for Hire

      Yes but in order to make this happen i needed jquery


  • Justin, note that the dashboardBarWrap only exists for the admin and not normal members so you would either have to move it before the ningbar-userLinks.linkbar then might a bit of css to align it or other than that use the design studio to have it sit below the bar


    • NC for Hire

      great suggestion... however can't seem to get that to work at all.   Also would love to figure out a way to have this script run when the page loads...ill keep playing with it... good to see you Bizz!


      • It looks like in your code there is a period missing before the ningbar-userLinks, it should be like this


        • NC for Hire

          any ideas on how to get the logo up into the bar as well before the navigation?

          • You could but then the logo would have to be small as the bar would have to become big if you wanted a big logo which would then give you a big black bar at the top. The alternative would be to keep the Nav and logo in the header where it is as normal then you could just move the Account bar stuff into that section instead.

  • NC for Hire

    Bizz ⚡JFarrow⌁  

    now it's perfect , work amazing,they use this method with only css for old themes and 2.0, i want to test only css for 3.0
    • NC for Hire

      yes it is now perfect and with the added bonus of a sticky navigation when fixing the account bar at the top.. thanks for the assist Bizz!



  • Do you know how to add alt tags to members photos? Any suggestion is appreciated.

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