With all of the algorithm updates Google has been releasing, have you ever wondered if you are keeping up with them? From Panda to Penguin to now Hummingbird, the updates aren’t stopping. Having all of these animal names as algorithm updates isn’t helping either.
Enter QuickSprout
This FREE website tool will analyze back links, page load time, check your social sharing levels, see if you're compatible for tablet/smartphone and give you a wide variety on tips and recommendations such as heading tags which are too short, pages with too many URLs............a boatload of information.
With the tablet/smartphone views, you can determine if your header is taking up too much space (you may choose to shrink it so your viewers can focus on reading the content, which should make for a better mobile experience), you may notice other boxes that need tweaking. Just click on the images to enlarge. For more on QuickSprout checkout this article.
Have fun!
Cool Kos that look like a very useful tool's for any network. :)
I think so. I'll be curious to see everyone's experience with it.
I was going to go check out the tool and this is what I got. lol can you please redo the link :-)
Sorry I'll fix the one above Here you go
KOS, this is an awesome tool!!! Everyone should use this tool.
Isn't it!? Definitely packed with info. to think about.
Very nice! Thanks for sharing :)
You're welcome. With all of the Google algo updates making us crazy, it can't hurt.
its got a couple good tips but highly inacurate
i got an a grade but my rankings dropped like a stone
also it says theres only 274 links but theres wayyy more and only 18,400 pages indexed but theres 1.9 million or more indexed
it was way off on likes and shares as well
so take it with a grain of salt its not the best tool by far but might offer a couple useful tips
but wouldnt depend on it
yea im really surprised at how inacurate it is the only thing i can guess is it gets 100% of the stats from alexa or something
yup alexas link count matches so for google its wayyy off
final analysis
its probly good fior generic seo ..optimizing for your average low trafic engine but for google its way off