Just received an email with the subject line:
Let's Encrypt certificate expiration notice for domain "alexandraparkneighbours.org.uk"
Having had the website blocked for a full day a couple of months ago because of certificate renewal problems - with no explanation from Ning, although assurance that it had been sorted when you eventually replied (several hours later) - I am really anxious as to whether this is going to happen again.
I did not actually receive an email such as the above that time, but in the past I have received several, and was assured that it meant nothing, because the certificate is renewed automatically. (I have another website that is renewed automatically, and I don't receive these emails). Please can you sort it!
Correction - Ning didn't reply for 2 days.
We do apologize for the delay. The SSL certificates from Let's Encrypt are automatically renewed.
And your site is shown as a secure one at the moment https://take.ms/2R44t
We hope this will not happen in the future.
Best regards,
The Ning Team