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Hi there,

I am wondering if there is anything going change on Ning right now. It will be the same for too long? 

I Think Ning is great. Got great tools.

Some problems going too far. I wondering leave Ning. I have here all I need but do not work. And everyone seems to be ok if that.

I got a very NEW problem. I got so few members and just 2600 pictures and I am out of disk space. Ning does not offer anything at all, to control that, and force me to move to an expensive plan. This looks very wrong for me. Anyway, I am so disappointed.



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  •  Hello, Fabricio!

    We do understand your frustration in this situation. 

    Please, check your email address we already sent you the information regarding this.

    Best regards,

    The Ning Team

  • Hi,
      The issue here is the fact that we have only 2600 photos, and it took over 10GB.
    All those photos were uploaded by our members. We did not start to upload our content yeat.
        So the problem is: Our member can upload any photo size ( file ) they want. Ning does not offer any control at all of how big a photo can be, or how many photos they can upload per day.
    In this case, the ultimate plan with 500Gb is nothing. We are talking about photos here. Some people are crazy, upload huge files size.
    When I need send I file to Ning, you have a 3mb limited files size. Why is that? Why you give me a limited and don't let me limit my members? 
    Do you understand my point?
    People like me will not start a website on Ning because I know that I will not have money enough to pay the store in 2 years time. If I going to have this problem in feel time. better leave now.
     Around 2010 we could limit how many photos a member could upload per day. Why Ning took it out? Yes, I am on Ning for very long now.



    • Hello, Fabricio!

      We do understand your frustration. The feedback you provided us with is already reported to the Developers Team. In the future, it will be possible to set up the limit for the size or number of the uploaded files for the members. Unfortunately, it is not possible at the moment. You can continue to use the service by upgrading to the plan with the bigger storage.

      Best regards,

      The Ning Team

    • I feel you 

    • You are right. I dont know why so much less space is provided by Ning for our sites.

      I dont have any doubt regarding the features offered by Ning. However, I have seen the trend where other platforms are offering almost similar features like Ning and grabbing the market of Ning day by day. In such a competative environment, why Ning cannot offer some justified level of storage for our sites?

      Does Ning really bothered anything at this point of time? They still need to do a lot to things to bring back their glorified past. There were days, when a creator post a query or concen over and within 24 hours of time there where hundreds of replies. Now even if someone form Ning post any updates regarding the platform even then it used to have a few replies. Does you are really going through your , Even if you will check the (a writing about my site) used to have more replies. As a Ning lover for decade there are lots of things that are worrying us. I hope it is worrrying you (Ning) too?

      Note: I have seen Anna_Ning_Support, she is really doing an appreciable job by replying to almost all concern which are posted here. However, I think Ning as a Global company, need to do a lot of introspection to come back again to the point where they left.

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