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Archiver ? (Ning 3)



A post from Ning was in my Facebook feed, claiming that all content on a Ning site is owned by the Creator.


Unless there is an Archive Feature, this is not true. In the event of Ning closing, or a server malfunction, or other events I cannot think of, all content would be erased from all Ning networks, and there is no backup. Creators do not have the choice to create backups of their sites contents, to upload to Cloud, or to an archive site, therefore Creators do not own their content.

That is my opinion. And that is why there should be an archiver before it is said on Facebook or anywhere else that we own our content.


Thank you for reading,



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  • Bumped into Activity Feed....

  • Even on platforms like Weebly the only thing you really own is the html code you place there. Your data is locked on Ning and in the event of a shut down or something else, well it wouldn't be fair to assume anyone's content is truly ownable.

    Having had to cut my losses with data I thought was mine a few times, I know what it's like to have to lose something important. Basically if you don't back up your stuff while it' still online, you'll never get it at all.

  • NC for Hire


  • Agreed +1.

    It's like claiming a leased car is 'completely yours' and 'belongs to you'.  Stop making those monthly payments and see how long it's 'truly yours'.  lol

    Of course only Ning owns (and maintains) their actual platform, but we are talking content here- the material that you as the site's Creator and 'your' members have added to the site over time. Providing the ability to download, safeguard, and archive your own site's content is the real criteria for the proud and ever-repeated claim that customers own and control their content.
    The claim was true back when it was first used in promoting Ning- when there was only Ning 2.0 and the Archive tool provided freely by Ning was working reliably.  Now, with no archiver/backup tool on 3.0 at all, and the Archiver malfunctioning on 2.0, IMHO the claim feels inaccurate and misleading.

  • Hi there!

    Like it's written in our terms and conditions, we don't have any claims on the content that has been uploaded integrated on the network itself, it does belong to the network creator and we are not obtaining a profit of it, also we are not eligible to use it in any way without the authorization of the network creator. Also as the owner of the content, you are completely authorized to use it in any way you wish and you will not receive any DMCA notices from us, as we are acting as the host in this situations, and yes like any paid hosting we might stop providing the service if the payment is due longer than 53 days according to our billing policy. 

    Best wishes,

    Ning Team.

    • That's besides the point.

      You claim you own your own data. You can't even take it offline. So that means you don't own anything. You just have access to borrow it if that. You can manage it, but you don't own it. the only thing you can own, is a .csv file containing your membership and even that's not an up to date guarantee. It could go away at any time.

      The things people say, you can't back up. and as a site owner, anything you say on Ning can be used against you if someone has an issue with the site itself, be it maintenance related, terms of service violations related, non payment related, platform bug related or else.

      the next feature I want to see on Ning is the archiver.

      • Hi there!

        Well, you can take any content located on the web offline, the browsers are not preventing you from downloading the data. And there are no special tools required of course that would be easier with the tool that's true, however, even if the content has been uploaded and stored on your computer you are not becoming the rightful owner of it. And since you are not able to use (according to the law, physically of course you are) the content which is stored on your computer what is the purpose of having it there? What I'm trying to say, the ownership of the content is determined by the ability to use it without the consequences, and not by the ability to download or store it as it could be done with any content on the net without the authorization.

        Unfortunately, as I can see from our plans the archiver is not one the features to be expected in the nearest future.

        Best wishes,

        Ning Team.

        •  Kyryl, This is terrible news!!!! I just sold my site and was 100% counting on the archiver to function- I wanted/still want ALL of the content saved- incase I regret the sale- I could create another site again!!!  So what do I do now? I have 100's of pages I need copied!!! OMG! Kyrly, help! I sure hope you have a great idea!!


          • The Archiver is still available. Ning just won't fix it if it for example, won't install on your computer. They aren't making anymore updates to the Archiver.

          • Hi there!

            Elshara is right, Archiver still might be working for your network as we haven't blocked that functionality anyhow, we simply don't support it anymore, so you may try to use it in order to archive the content of your network.

            Best regards,

            Ning team.

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