This is how you can make the account box stand out on your network, change alerts to comments. Use this code.
<script type="text/javascript">
x$(document).ready(function() {
x$("a.xg_sprite-alert").attr("href", "http://""/profiles/comment/list?attachedToType=User&attachedTo=" +"Comments");
Here is the code if you want to add extra links before the default account links.
<script type="text/javascript">
x$(document).ready(function() {
// Insert content in Account Module
x$("div#xg_module_account ul").prepend('<li><a href="/profiles">Profile</a></li>');
x$("#xg_module_account").after('<div align="center" class="xg_module"></div>');
Here is the code if you want to add a link after the default account links.
<script type="text/javascript">
x$(document).ready(function() {
// Insert content in Account Module
x$("div#xg_module_account ul").append('<li><a href="/chat">Live Chat</a></li>');
x$("#xg_module_account").after('<div align="center" class="xg_module"></div>');
Enjoy. If you have any questions, comments or suggestions, add a reply here.
This goes in your custom code / analytics area of the network.
Alerts are never used, to be honest, they are app alerts and no activity ever happens in them, ever. They are a waste of space and to utilize that space a little easier, members comments should be put in place so that it is a useful feature.
Cool code! Where's you get it from? Just wondering :-)
That is what I just posted in the main thread.
You gave it to me some time ago.
This kind of code's been floating around for years. :-) This is from 2010...
I have no idea who thought of it first, but its a cool tip and I'm glad to see it coming around once again.
Best wishes!
I googled the key part of the code and there's only 10 results on Google. It shows dates when it was mentioned too. :-)
But yeah, Alerts don't seem to be too helpful and its nice to have a link to your own Comment Wall right in your Account module. So I hope this cool tip helps some people.
Best wishes and a happy weekend to all!
F Y I members can still access their alerts by going to their inbox and choosing alerts from the links in there.
Could you share a screenshot with those of us too lazy to apply it? I think I get the gist, but can't picture it worth a darn.
Hi Allison!
Here's what my Account Module looks like:
Alerts was changed to My Comment Wall, and the 0 after that shows I have no unread Comments on my Comment Wall. It updates in real time when someone leaves you a comment, so you can go read it. MAXX asked for this app and I did it for him and its in use on several sites.
Any other questions about this or anything else, just ask!
Have a great weekend!