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Hello everyone!

I really like the style this creators network has now and I was wandering if it was possible to get a "template" that looks like this one (as per graphic, fonts and styles is concerned) to implement in my network as a starting point.

Is this possible? 

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  • Hi there!

    Sure no prob, however, it would be necessary to spend some time installing it as there are several styles added to the custom code.

    Here is the file that you can import into your design studio and it would appear in the list of the themes available on your network (creators theme). Please note that I have had to replace the pictures in order to avoid DMCA violations, instead of them you may see the part or fully this one:


    The following code should go to the custom code section <head> field:

    <link href="//" rel="stylesheet">
    <link href="" rel="stylesheet">
    <link rel="stylesheet" media="screen" href="" type="text/css"/>
    .subnav-more > ul { background-color: white; border-radius: 5px 5px 5px 5px; margin-top: 5px;}
    .entry-title > a {color: #1f1f1f; font-weight: normal; font-family: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif;}
    .entry-title > a:hover {font-weight: normal; font-family: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif;}
    .entry-title > a:active {font-weight: normal; font-family: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif;} > a {float:none;}
    .xg_module > .pagination.clear {padding-bottom: 15px;}

    /* activity more button fix */
    .button.activityFeed-updateButton { height: auto;}

    * The code between style tags could be inserted into the custom code in design studio if necessary, hovere link tags should tay in the place I have mentioned before.

    There are also some javascript to replace some elements or add them if something specific is needed just let me know.

    Best wishes,

    Ning Team.…
    • Hi kyryl! Thats great, thank you very much!

      • You are very welcome :-)

        Best regards,

        Ning Team.

        P.S. As I remember I have been leaving comments in the CSS so I hope it would be easier to search through it to adjust the styles if necessary

    • Hi Kyryl,

      Is there anyway that I could paly around with your template without putting online the changes in 1 session?

      I'd love to keep online my current version of the network until I finish designing the new one, I guess I won't be able to apply all the changes and make it good looking in one working session.

      Thanks for the help


      • Hi there!

        If you are going to work only with the design studio, you can just export your current theme and import it back. After that, it would appear in the list of themes available for your network, and you will be able to turn it on anytime. Just keep in mind that if you are working with the custom CSS, the global CSS would be applied always if you wish to avoid that just copy it to the current theme's CSS code. Then when you finish working with the new theme just export it and revert back to your main theme.

        Keep in mind that it's related to the design (colors fonts, sizes etc.) and if you wish to play around with modules it would be necessary to return everything back manually.

        Also as we provide 14 days trial you can try to create the trial network, and copy everything you need into it and play with the design and the location of modules, after just export the theme, and copy everything else what is not related to teh design manually on your main network. Just keep in mind that after the trial you will be billed automatically and if you wish to avoid the charge it would be necessary to cancel the subscription before the 14-th day of the trial.

        Hope this helps.

        Best regards,

        Ning Team.

        • The trial solutions looks nice! I will go with that I think.

  • Wow I like it!

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