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Daily Email Digests

I have selected the option to get only a single daily email from our platform, but emails are still being sent throughout the day. A feature like this is vital for our community and will prevent members from feeling they are spammed. Any reason why this is not working? 






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  • Hello!

    Could you please clarify a few moments? 

    - When did you switch to the Daily Digest? If it was today, you might want to wait until the next day to receive an email with all the updates. 

    - Unfortunately, Network Creator cannot switch over to the daily digests format for the whole community. The settings on the screenshot are for your profile only, so if someone from your members wants to receive an email once a day - they need to configure the settings for themselves

    Looking forward to your reply!

    Bets regards,

    The NING Team

    • Hi Anastasia, 

      The daily email digest is activated and I still get emails throughout the day. I wasn't referring to activating it for the community, but for myself (even though it would have been great to automatically activate it for all members)


      • Hello Danie! 

        In this case, I am not sure why you keep receiving instant notifications. 

        I apologize for the inconveniences, let me consult with my colleagues and I will get back to you. 

        Best regards,

        The NING Team


        • NC for Hire

          Mine hasn't worked in over a year.  Also, "Support" has closed a ticket I opened in July for the 4th time without fixing the problem...(ie.  no posts have tags)....  why is this so hard to fix?

          • Hello!

            I`ve checked the ticket #1901094 about tags that was closed in November and I want to apologize. Our agent should have put the ticket On-hold instead of switching it to the Pending status because in the latter case it's getting solved and then closed automatically when there is no further activity in the conversation. 

            I am really sorry that it has already happened several times for you, but I want to assure you that it is not intentional. Even when a ticket gets closed it does not mean that we mark a reported issue as solved. All reported complaints are being processed in our inner admin system completely separate from the tickets. 

            I will have a talk with our agents so they will pay more attention in the future. 

            Regarding the email digest - do you receive instant notifications instead of the daily emails or you do not receive any notifications at all? 

            Looking forward to your reply!

            Best regards,

            The NING Team

            • NC for Hire

              Thank you Anastasia, but with all due respect, I just want the ticket actually solved....  how can it take over 6 months to figure out why tags disappear on Ning's system....   you guys need to hire more support techinicians considering the amount of money this company brings in...

              • Hello!

                I understand where you are coming from, and it makes sense, but I can only tell you that some time ago the higher management has evaluated all the work that was done for the last 2 years and its results, and it was decided to take a different route. I know that for now, it seems like that nothing has changed, but we hope to present you with the results later in 2019. 

                Best regards,

                The NING Team

      • Hello Danie! 


        So after some research done by our Tech Team, it appears that some type of updates (for example when you subscribe to the whole blog or forum page) bypass the daily digest queue and go directly as an instant notification. We will have to re-write the logic here so that all the updates go to the daily digest. 

        I apologize for the inconveniences. Once it is done you will be notified here or via email. 

        Best regards,

        The NING Team

        Best regards,

        The NING Team

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