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Hello Ning,


Why am I getting billed for both my 2.0 and the 3.0? I have had no activity on my 2.0 since I merged and my 2.0 is for sale...

Yes, I will turn in a ticket and make a call... but how many others are being double-billed?...

And your Ning landing page editing system really sucks!! That was the ONE reason I merged- now I have a welcome page that is pretty- but I cannot edit it- even the tech who designed it- cannot edit it!

I paid big bucks to have it designed and it is useless!!!

As of today- if I had it to do over- I would NOT have merged!!

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  • NC for Hire

    how much money do you want for your 2.0?I would like to keep it as Ning's story

  • NC for Hire

    like an enthusiast holds an old car

  • NC for Hire


    • Garfield Archivist  Can you elaborate please...  

      • NC for Hire

        I am not gonna air laundry whether clean or dirty suffice to say that if I post about there being issues with Ning Billing on October 23, 2020 and less than a week later you post about issues yourself that alone speaks for itself.

        I am just making a public record of issues regardles of the specific circumstances.At least now you know it's not just you.I resolved my issue by giving them more money. It seems that is what is most important to them.


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