Has Ning just quietly backed out of the member email digests being of any value? There's no notification of new forum topics or new blog posts. People don't just go to a site every day ... there's got to be something to drive them there. I've got to be missing something ... this can't be the way it is.
You need to be a member of Ning Creators Social Network to add comments!
check out Broadcast Message !only solution for
That's a very manual and cumbersome process. Ning had this set up nicely in the old days with the option for a weekly digest. I can see that they've removed the options for new blog posts and topics as part of the email digest. That really hurts.
emails arrive at my site 3.0 is higher you are old ning i am 15 years in ning ... 3.0 is magical but thanks to many creators of css and javascrip is the best ... i can't understand why you don't get emails
so many emails make members run away
They can opt out ... but most won't if there is a daily or weekly digest option. This is basic stuff. There is no other way to drive people to the site. I'm getting my ass kicked by a listserv group at this point. I only get traffic in and member signups now by doing a share on Facebook.
I was getting around the situation with an automated RSS feed and MailChimp setup, but the Ning RSS feed is the only feed of the I've utilized that won't trigger Mailchimp.
I have this nice big group and nothing happens because no one knows what is going on
there are feed discussions and more ... never ask! can I see your site to see the situation? DYLAN
Here is the site ... https://croquet.ning.com/
the theme is a mess..i am ready to help you free