Fix for the Video Detail Page And Also Fix For The Meta Details Color Especially If You Are Using Shine Or Glossy Bossy Theme on the list page
Here are a few fix's to the new video feature. This is to fix the layout of the corner where the views, like and get embed code button are located. Also a fix for the Shine and Glossy Bossy themes as the metadat section on the list page is set to black so it can't be seen on these themes.
First the video detail Page
We are going to change
- Margin for the get embed button
- Change the position of the views eye
- Add some margin to the social actions section ( we do this because if a video is not viewed yet the spaces on the page change )
- Entry tags margin addition
- Eye icon needs a small margin right against the view count
- Entry Content adjustment as this can get fouled by the embed button, we are making 100% and setting clear to both so it does not wrap around the button.
- An optional adjustment is to get the word views to show up which looks better.
So here is all the css to do that and an image showing how it looks
.videoDetailPage-getEmbedCode_wrap { margin: 0 0 5px 8px }
.videoDetailPage-viewVideo { float:none; margin-bottom:5px }
.videoForm-inputTitle { height: auto;}
.videoDetailPage .socialActions{ margin-top:5px }
.videoDetailPage .entry-tags{ margin-top:10px }
.videoDetailPage-viewVideo .icon-eye{margin-right:5px }
.videoDetailPage .entry-content{ width:100%; clear:both }
/*Optional to show the word views*/
.videoDetailPage-viewVideo .icon-eye{
As the meta description below the videos in the list page has been set to a dark colour people using these themes will have an issue seeing the text, below are two images showing the list page for the two themes
Glossy Bossy, you can't see it at all in this one
So all we need to do is add two lines to inherit the colour of our text links. It's just css so this goes in your design studio
.videoListPage-metaTitle > a{ color:inherit }
.videoListPage-metadata a{ color:inherit }
Extra tip
If you want to change any of the meta info to other colours of your choosing than you site default here is the code you would need, you would just change the colours as you want in the code.
.videoListPage-metaTitle > a{ color:antiquewhite!important }
.videoListPage-metaTitle a:hover, .videoListPage-metadata a:hover, .videoListPage-metaTitle > a:hover{ color:white!important;text-decoration:none }
.videoListPage-metadata a{ color: #cce6f2; }
Hi John,
The location of likes and views has been changed so they are not located too close to each other anymore. So there is no need to use the fix anymore if the new placement of them satisfy you.
Best regards,
Ning Team.
Hi Kyryl
Thanks for letting me know about this has been fixed up, just one thing you guys forgot to do was the input title getting cut of if the site font-size is 16px or more. I use this for now to correct it .videoForm-inputTitle { height: auto;}
Otherwise nice job, thanks Ning Team
John :-)
Hi John,
About the video title issue. I have tested the fonts up to 28px and the title is shown correctly with one of the basic themes (it's called Surface). Also, I have created the new test network just to make sure that the network would be completely clear of any CSS of custom code changes that I have done to my test network in the past.
Also, I haven't heard about such issue from anybody else from the time you have reported it. are you sure that you have checked everything that could cause such an issue in you custom CSS code?
Best regards,
Ning Team.
Hi Kyryl
I just added a whole post to show this issue, inludes images and a video to demo it. I did all this on a clean site on various themes with not code in any off them.