I run a health and wellness subscription based site off the NING platform. I would like to offer my members a way to track their progress with their health goals. Does anyone know of habit tracking software that integrates with NING?
Where they could track their hours slept, steps walked... etc. In a perfect world, this would show up on their member page or I could create a page where this shows up as a group. I am game for either.
Thank you!
Angela Pifer, Creator
Clean & Lean Revolution
Hello Angela,
You could find resources for tracking software at the following site. Quantified Self. Specifically they have a forum with sections that off software and web sites that could be used for tracking.
I imagine your best bet would be to find a web site that allows you to embed the results of the tracking. Everything is social now so it shouldn't be too hard to figure out a solution.
One of the tools I've used in the past is DailyDiary.com. A person can set up a question to be emailed to them and all they have to do is reply with a count/quantity and it will be tracked on an online chart. It can also aggregate the results of a group of people who are working on a team goal. I believe the chart can be embedded on a web site such as Ning.
Here is an example chart related to weight.
I am very interested in this field of self tracking so feel free to message me if you have any other questions or would just like to brainstorm.
Thanks Garfield - I'll check these sites out.
I do sell a Fitbit on my site and I know that Fitbit has third party tracking. I may need to create an outside page to integrate with my NING site - BUT my main concern with this is that it costs $100 for a Fitbit. I want all my members to have the ability to track their habits. I'll keep you posted and let you know what I find.
Thank you!
Hey Angela,
I see there's a third-pary Fitbit Widget in development, but I don't know of any easy-to-use embeddable options. I'd love to hear tips from other health-minded NCs! From my experience, there are quite a few iPhone apps out there for fitness tracking, so hopefully there's a good way to embed those stats on networks!
Hi Angela,
I created a custom app for a Runners site some time ago to track runs, with date, distance, notes about each run, displayed on Profile pages and also on a Leaderboard page where Members could see how they compared with others. It also had the ability to export the data to your own computer.
A widget or some pre-built tool sounds like your best bet, but if you want something completely unique and custom, built to your specs, I have lots of experience in building Ning Custom apps.
Best wishes to you and your site!
Hi TJ,
I am interested!! Do you have any examples/ images/ page snapshots that I can take a look at?
Angela office@cleanandleanrevolution.com
Hi Angela,
Thanks for the question. I sent you an email with my answers.
Best wishes!
Hi TJ, I would be interested in your Runners app! I also have a site which is geared to the fitness industry. It is solely for the South African market....www.fitnessconnect.co.za.
Take a look. Can you send me the sites name where you did the running app so I can take a look?
Hi Lisa,
Thanks for your interest! I'll send you a message with the info.
Have a great day!