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Hello every one,

I can't make Facebook Sharing and comment work.

Even asking for support help on Ning we could not enable the option of comments and sharing in Facebook.

The 3rd part integration can not be complete.
Even doing what was requested, it does not accept the Ip app nor secret app.

We are talking about a new account. Does any one can help me, make facebook Share and comment able on my website?

We decided to bring our project to Ning, based on these tools.

The Sing in /sing up seems to be working Ok.

This is a very important to our project.

Hope to hear good new from you.


Fabrício Giugni

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  • It does not working just for me?

  • This reply was deleted.
    • Hi,

      I've been chatting almost every day asking to solve this.

      This Is a very important function to take so long to be solved
  • Hi there,

    Here are some steps that would help you to create the app that would be accepted by the network? however, you should use it only for comments

    1) Please follow this link to Facebook
    2) Please press "+Add New app" at the top right corner of the screen
    3) Onn the next screen, you should choose the name of the app, for example, you can use your network's name or something else, it doesn't matter just depends on what name would be more convenient for you in order to manage another app you have? and don't forget to enter contact email address, and press "Create App id"
    4) After you have filled the captcha at the left side of the screen you will see the menu? please press "Settings" button.
    5) On the next screen you will see the settings of your app, however, you should take a look on the left side of the screen once again and press "Advanced"? it would be located just under the "Settings" button that you have found in the previous step
    6) When the advanced settings would be opened please scroll down the page a little and find "Allow API Access to App Settings" and turn it on (there is the trigger just to the left from that text please click on it once to turn on). Please don't forget to save changes as well.
    7) Your app is almost ready, please choose "App review" from the menu on the left side of the screen and make your app public by switching on the trigger "Make name of the app public?" where "name of the app" is the name that you have chosen for your app.
    8) Now your app is ready, please go to the dashboard on Facebook and you will see app id and secret you need.

    P.S. On my network I have checked and share button from the comments doesn't work, please check it on your side and let me know who it's working on your side, and if it's not sharing the content please send me the link to the page where you have enabled Facebook comments plugin

    Best regards,

    Ning Team.

    • I saw it in the other post. But this is not a good solution.

      When we create the comment box, we created a unique box for the entire site.

      The same box that will appear on the Blog is the same box

      that will appear in all content of all members.
      So people can not ask and answer, giving sequence in a dialogue.

      All matters mingle, showing disorganisation. A single box for whole website will turn into chaos.

      We need the right solution. Fix the problem. Will this happen?

      Best regards,

      Fabrício Giugni

  • Hi,

    Still waiting for a solution. Did miss anything?

    • Hi there!

      No, you didn't. According to the words of the management, the fix should be finished at the end of this sprint.

      Best regards,

      Ning Team.

      • Hi,

        When The Sprint Ends?

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