Is there a company that can develop codes that work on Ning? To create functions that do not exist on the platform?
The platform serves as the basis for my plans, but has no options for new roles.
I want to reward my members for interacting with other members.
I want a record of all their activities.
I want to be able to give visibility to members who use the site more, who comment, share and so on.
I want to encourage them to rate the photos posted by other members. I want more evaluation options
I want create a photo contest
I want to encourage members to create content
There are so many options with tools of this kind. But today the person creates the page of it upload a photo, can like other photos and nothing else.
Why people will want to use a website similar to facebook, if there is a Facebook and it is much cooler.
Where I can Find Tools to create something wonderful on Ning?
Can I hire some one to create that? I want to start something so bad. Wait is a torture... :(
I'll send you my contact info and we can discuss the vast options for doing some of these things..
IMO, this is where NING went off the rails in 2009. There was a healthy 3rd party app community that did some of the things that you want. NING closed off that avenue for customization and it limited what 3rd party developers could do. They'd be wise to encourage this. Compare NING's strategy to say that of Word Press and you can see which creators prefer.
Hi there!
You have raised a very good question (at least I think so). So I have created the suggestion to add the possibility to create the plugins and custom modules for Ning 3.0 and passed it to the developers. When teh decision regarding this would be made I'll let you know.
Best regards,
Ning Team.
let me know also
Hi there!
So no prob, most likely I'll post it here under this post, so everybody who is following it would receive the email notification. However, if you wish I can send an email as well, just let me know.
Best wishes,
Ning Team.