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Hello to "Someone" who can make decisions!

My site has been offline for nearly a year! Yet I noticed I am still being billed...

There is no activity, you can't even find it!

"Someone", please tell "someone" to refund my money- PLEASE!


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  • NC for Hire

    the site is visible and online


      vDGBGu4RhE3LFqGm41C0UNMJ5TvcCNKaGb_sWWPb5rBcMbMdhae1C9DkFFk9NxaZZ77wCeifiNg0WrWueR2mAN2-McLHh2cHde1e=s0-d-e1-ft#<a href=" alt="" width="40" height="40" data-bit="iit" />

      The Ning Team (Ning Help Center)

      Aug 11, 2022, 07:21 GMT+3


      Thank you for your reply.
      We checked the site and can confirm it is completely private.
      You can do this on your end also. Just open the site in the new browser or incognito window.
      The site's first page is shown as the Sign In page - no option to check the network and its content.
      You can save the content from the site manually or we can provide you with the JSON file.
      And we also can keep your site in the system but it will be locked and completely inaccessible if you need it.

      Best regards,
      Customer Support



      Thank you for your reply.
      We checked the site and can confirm it is completely private.
      You can do this on your end also. Just open the site in the new browser or incognito window.
      The site's first page is shown as the Sign In page - no option to check the network and its content.
      You can save the content from the site manually or we can provide you with the JSON file.
      And we also can keep your site in the system but it will be locked and completely inaccessible if you need it.

      Best regards,
      Customer Support



  • Hi Alex,

    As you know I am not very techie, so since I know you, from our last transaction and trust you- can you please help me to get this JSON file thingy and take my site down! I think it is terrible that they have been charging me for a completely unused site- which is supposed to be off line!!!



    • NC for Hire


      this is the only way, this way you close the site immediately
    • NC for Hire

      Suzie Nielsen  

      Anna talks about the site which is private but not closed
    • NC for Hire

      Suzie Nielsen 

      you can block it for 6 months you pay nothing and if you think about it you have your site back and I forgot you don't lose anything discussion groups and more
      • The problem is that I do not want my site back- I want it closed- you want it- you can have it! But not the name but think of all the wonderful codeing that has been done by some of the best on here!

        So are you saying that Ning is going to refund my money--- see the reason I do not go onto it and close it - is that I cant read the tickets without access!!!LOL!



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