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Hide and Show The New Edit Buttons on pages

I see Rosa has added something about this using a little css to hide them so thought I would come up with another version so you can have them hidden by default but enable them quickly if you need to. I have added another option into the Ning bar, as only admins see these anyway, so by clicking the button it will show the grey edit buttons on the page and by clicking again it will hide them, Note I have done it so that the button in the Ning bar will only show up if there are any edit buttons on the page else it will not be there.

Not sure why Ning did not add an option of a tick box or something for us to decide if we wanted them or not to show but I know they did have a lot of requests for editing on the page like there was in Ning 2.0 but the option would have been nice to be added.

Here are two demo images

10928695476?profile=RESIZE_710x10928695692?profile=RESIZE_710xNice and simple.

So here is the code to use, just go to your Social Site Builder > Custom Code and add it in the END OF PAGE section.


x$('<a class="dashboardBar-icon edits-buttons" href="#/" title="Show Edit Buttons"><svg xmlns="" width="22" height="22" viewBox="0 0 22 22"><path transform="translate(-21 -300)" d="M35.55 312.25l-2.3 2.3 4.07 4.06 2.29-2.3zm-4.8-4.8l-4.07-4.06-2.29 2.3 4.06 4.06zM32 306.2l4.7-4.69a.89.89 0 0 1 1.24 0l3.55 3.54c. 0 1.26l-4.7 4.69 4.7 4.7c. 0 1.24l-3.55 3.55a.89.89 0 0 1-1.25 0l-4.69-4.7-4.7 4.7a.89.89 0 0 1-.62.26h-3.54a.89.89 0 0 1-.89-.89v-3.54c0-.24.1-.46.26-.63l4.7-4.69-4.7-4.7a.89.89 0 0 1 0-1.25l3.55-3.54a.89.89 0 0 1 1.25 0zm4.13-1.63l2.3 2.3 1.18-1.19-2.3-2.3zm-1.25 1.26l-10.86 10.85v2.3h2.3l10.85-10.86z"></path></svg><span class="dashboardBar_title">Page Edit Buttons</span></a>').insertAfter('.dashboardBar-innerIcons a:last').hide();
x$('.edits-buttons .dashboardBar_title').css('margin-left','5px');
x$('body.hasEditButtons .edits-buttons').show();

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  • NC for Hire

    Not sure what the point of this is really.....  a big problem that seems to effect my community is Non-member modules now show up for everyone....

    thanks for this BIZZ

    • It's actually quite handy to have these as it does save you going back and forth between your social site builder then back to the page if you want to make adjustments, not so much for say the list of things like videos etc but very handy for your html blocks as you can make quick edits and can see the result straight away rather than leaving the page then go back again to see how it looks. For instance it could be a quick way to edit messages you place on screen and want to update on a regular basis etc. There are quite a few ways to make use of this. Sometimes it's one of the most frustrating things when using the html to have to leave then go back and forth. Also you know when you add html blocks in the social site builder pages section they are really awkward to use and can vanish if you click in the wrong place and have to start again but in a page they stay put, also we can now adjust the size of the html section which makes it easier to add design in html, for instance add a html block to a wide column or page and we can make use of the full width by adding some css into your design studio they will go the width of the page, add this and try it out. You can also grab it's corner to drag it longer down as well which is great.

      I will find some examples and uses for this in another post.

      By the way yes a lot of odd things are happening now, the biggest problem is the allowing members to adjust their profile pages and themes, there are so many big issues with this that I have found and urge no one to use this feature, I am going to write a post about this as it is really not good at all.

      .section-html .editBlock .editBlockList {
      display: grid;
      grid-auto-columns: 100%;

      Here is an example showing it open on a wide page


  • NC for Hire

    this is ammazing !!! you are the best as always thank you so much! !!!

    • Thanks glad you liked it :-)

  • Cool, many thanks..

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